2019 Reunion

*Listed Members



More Info Coming Soon!

See you all at the next Reunion 

God Willing


Reunion Photos

Send in your reunion photos and I'll post them on the website!

November 2019

Bravo Company 2013 Reunion Photos

Mike Shokatz contact information Email: shokatz47@hotmail.com

Contact information for Dennis & Windie Atchison click here for Facebook. Home Address is 105 Artist View, Wellington Nv 89444

Email: dennisatchison69@gmail.com Phone: 775-835-3898 

for Facebook

Thanks Dennis & Windie Atchison for all your hard work.

New email update from: Mike Shokatz HOF-06 <shokatz47@hotmail.com>  9/4/2019 6:52 PM

Mike Fallon,
Below is Dennis Atchison's email address & phone number, he is the brother running the reunion.

dennisatchison69@gmail.com                   775-835-3898 

I've just been trying to help him out by spreading the word that we will be meeting in Vegas this November for our 50th celebration.
The reunion is being held at the... Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino


You need to contact the Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino @ 702-719-5100 and mention that you are with the Recon Marine group. Rooms are as follows...

Fri.     $120.00
Sat.    $120.00
Sun.   $37.50
Mon. $37.50 

If you are thinking about staying Thursday, forget it, you're on your own, rooms are over $300.00 per nite. Apparently there is a lot going on in Vegas the weekend we are there, so Dennis got us great rates.   Thanks Dennis!

Possible itinerary...

Friday nite get together for trip to the Leatherneck Club      https://leatherneckbar.com/

Saturday nite there is a steakhouse across the street from the hotel for dinner

Sunday we have the banquet hall for a taco bar from 3-8 pm plus ??

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated to Dennis as he is the one doing the planning for our reunion.

There will be raffles, auctions & door prizes plus ??

Mike Shokatz


"We don't stop playing because we grow old.

 We grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw

New update September 2019

Part 1 of 2

Jim Carrabis

*Dennis & Windie Atchison

*Edward J Deats "Doc"

Mark Curtis

Richard A Weeks

Dan van Buskirk

Richard Nobles

John & Rebecca Kite (See Email)

*Edith Johnson

David Fendrick

James A Fossos

*Don Souther

*Floyd & Linda Ruggles

Roberta & Bob Hillman

*Mike Fallon

*Mike Shokatz

Patrick A Jirka

More Names Coming Soon!

To add your name or names to the list email me at:


 Part 2 of 2

*Michael Wills

*Richard Weeks (Guest Marine of Mike Shokatz not Recon)

Nathan Stanton

*Kelly Scott

*Dave Marlo

*George Douglas

Edward Cooper (Going to try make the reunion. Click Here)

*Jerry Johnson "Porkchop"

*Duane Torvend

*Eddie Wright    Bravo Company 2003-2004 Fallujah '04

*Rodney Downie   "Happy to hear that jackets and ties are not required."

*Jim "Doc" Moos and Peggy Moos
*Robert Lee and Olga Castenada
Will be there. Email 10/26/2019

From Roberta Hillman,  I will try to come to y'all's marine Corp 50th anniversary we want to be part of my Daddy (pappy) I think my dad would be smiling from heaven.

 Pappy 1969

*Bravo Company

2019 Reunion

Members Attending

List of Bravo Company Members Attending this years reunion.

Message from, Sgt Denny Eller Bravo Company 9/69 - 9/70 <eller1948@gmail.com> 9/6/2019 6:55 PM

Message: Although I really want to attend I can see no way possible to do so. My health sucks and so do my finances. Carribis is the only one I know on the attendees list but I would still like to meet those who went before and after me. I will do my best to make it next year if the Good Lord is willing. Thank you for the invitation, I hope all those who make it have a great time.


Email from: John Kite 10/7/2019 < kdesert1947@gmail.com>

Floyd, it's not looking good for us making the reunion this year. Tell everyone hi for us. We're still on the east coast and are scheduled for some work to be done on the rig. It just doesn't look good at this time. Semper Fi


Thanks for the update. Will post your email on our website. Hope to see you & Rebecca at our August 2020 reunion in the Washington DC Area, God Willing. Please start making your plans to join us in a week of tradition, fun, and comradery at our next year reunion for the 1st Recon Battalion Association.
