to The 1st Recon Bn Association's Website

This website is a work in progress.

Please check back from time to time as we will be adding new pages to this website over time.

Thanks for stopping by.

To all members you can email me 24/7 at:


Floyd Ruggles

Bravo Company

1st Recon Bn. Association Opening Page

1st Recon Bn. Association Home Page

Bravo Company

July 1st,1968


July 24th,1969

Charleston, S.C. 8/2014

Floyd & Linda

February 16th, 2018 6:16pm

I cannot believe the work you have done on the website !! The info on the reunion and the Johnson is the work of a professional website builder. My hearty congratulations and thanks for giving us something to be proud of.

Thanks and Semper Fi,

Dave ‘Doc’ Snider

Thank You, Doc

See You All in 2023 (God Willing)

As of September 15th, 2022 the transfer is now completed. We cut ties with our 2nd website as of today. 1st Recon is now part of our 3rd website family going forward. The domain name also has been officially transferred along with the remaining files. Some of our older members will remember our first website built by Sergeant Robert "Bob" Morris “Cayenne 6”, along with his wife Julie. Both of them were devoted to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association and all of his Recon teammates. He served as our 1st Membership Coordinator and Web Master from the earliest days of the Association and always gave freely of his time and talent. Bob worked tirelessly to reunite 1st Recon teammates and bring them together in the Association. Cayenne 6 left a void that will never be filled. We were blessed to have known him. Bob Morris passed away on March 26, 2016 at the age of 66. I was approached shortly after his death by our president Charlie Kershaw in 2016 to replace Bob as the Webmaster. As you all know due to the grumbling by a few members in August of 2016, it just didn't work out for the association in that year. Our website was now on its final legs and the future of our organization was in question. To make a story short I was called in to do an Emergency Extraction in early 2017. I felt like I was back in Da Nang when you get the call late at night to strap on the gear. I found that the website was collapsing and would be totally collapsed within a matter of days. I went to work trying to save what I could. So at that time I decided to make my military website the association's second website. I went to work building a new website for the association at the same time propping up Bob's old website. I maintained the flow of the organization without any disruptions. If I was going to save it and all of Bob Morris work and our records to date, I would have to act fast, so I transferred the entire website in 2017 to the military part of company's website. So if you have spend some time on our website over the years you would know it was running and doing okay. So the time has finally come to cut ties with our 2nd website in late 2022. It was put back into place acting as a back to our main website up and running well. You can Click here to visit that website it's acted as the association backup website today. It worked as your main website for a while in 2017 as the present website was being built. Then it work side-by-side with the new website from 2018 through 2022. Bob's website slowly quit running over time. I finally pulled the plug in 2022.