These are photos from our many trips to Vietnam. The people of Vietnam are very friendly and welcoming. Look through these photos and see what Vietnam looks like today. "Doc" David Snider, Delta Company 1968- 1969 Teams: Mayfly & Vesper Bells. Click Doc's Photo for the photo tour.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Welcome to VIETNAM Battlefield Tours.

Correspondence & Emails to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association Membership Director & Webmaster.

On April 9, 2019 at 8:59 AM david snider <> wrote:


I was impressed at the Johnson commissioning and the reunions that you have your grandson accompany you……….what a thrill for you and your wife to be able to show him your personal history and allow him to strengthen his understanding of our great country and the freedom we all enjoy.

With that in mind, I am forwarding the below e-mail that retired Colonel Mike Fallon has sent out to those who have indicated a desire to make a return trip to VN. Mike mentions that he and his wife have been back 2 times and the upcoming trip will be their third. Carole, my wife, will be experiencing her 4th trip and I my 6th. To be fair, I have been an assistant guide for VBT on two of those trips.

Our trip is from 22 March thru 5 April and it encompasses both a tourist’s view and most importantly, for the vets a step back in time. I have sent this information to those I think might have an interest.

I urge you to visit the site and review the trip's travel itinerary.

Vietnam Battlefield Tours web site:
Recon itinerary:

Semper Fi
Dave ‘Doc’ Snider

Recon Marines return to Camp Reasoner

NB: Vietnam Battlefield Tours , , a Marine veteran owned non-profit , is dedicated to putting together small tours for vets. Because their non-profit, you can not  beat the price and the tours are great.

My wife and I have been on two and this will be our third, in March 2020.

You can read the itinerary attached and check out VBT on their web site .

We designed this tour mainly out of Da Nang and Hue. You will know most, if not all the stops. The basic PoD, is 4 star hotels in cities and then a day trip to selected battlefield or historical sites each day. One can elect that day: a day trip , or can elect to remain at hotel for spa, shopping, walking beach etc .

If you have questions , most of the elementary are answered at VBT web site. If you have other questions myself or Doc Snider david snider are more than happy to address.

Sandy [ my bride ] and I are committed to going , we do not work for VBT , we will be paying to go, but would rather have Marine vets from the area then strangers joining .

Semper Fi, Mike


On Apr 9, 2019, at 10:42 AM, floyd <> wrote:

Thanks Doc,

I'll post the Vietnam Battlefield Tours Info on our website..


On April 9, 2019 at 11:04 AM David Snider <> wrote:

Floyd, please do not post at this time. We are close to the number we will be taking. I was sending the info to very specific Reconners that might be interested. Thanks for your thoughts. s/f

On Apr 9, 2019, at 11:54, floyd Thank you for helping.<> wrote:


I understand, but I do receive emails from members from time to time for Info on tours to Vietnam. By posting this may help our members in future tours and will link members to the VIETNAM Battlefield Tours website.


David <> on April 9, 2019 at 2:03 PM

To floyd

I understand your reasoning, but would appreciate you do not post these particulars at present. I would have no problem if you would want to post something to the fact that if someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact me. This trip is being put together by someone else. Thank you for helping.

floyd <> on April 9, 2019 at 4:47 PM

Thanks Doc,

Will Do. I'll post this in a day or two. "If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact you" Have a good time on this trip.


This trip is being put together by someone else.

If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" 
Phone: 513-607-9184


If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" 
Phone: 513-607-9184


1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association

David <> April 9, 2019 at  6:53 PM

Thanks Floyd. s/f


All Emails Re: Return to Vietnam , March 2020 with Vietnam Battlefield Tours / Recon 50