Marine Corps Photo 


Part 2

Bravo Company

1968 & 1969

Doug Wolfe, Posted on Facebook October 2020.

Here I give you the smartest Marine I ever served with. Sgt Jon L Blume and PFC Benny Morgan who was not a rocket scientist. But if I were outnumbered in a firefight, I would be equally delighted to have either and hopefully both at my side.

PFC Benny Morgan "G2"


Mark Curtis
Good old G-2.....I remember him zipping a pop-up at the club which ricocheted off its tin roof from that guard post up at the quarry......LOL.

Doug Wolfe
Hell Mark, I remember G-2 asking me for a light in the middle of a firefight. Lol

Mark Curtis
Doug Wolfe he was a doubt. I remember him posing for that freelance photo from Canada on a reactionary mission for a downed jet. Lol.

Doug Wolfe
We got shot down on that mission Mark.

Mark Curtis
Doug Wolfe I remember.....even in the most excitement G-2 was entertaining and different!!

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