Patrol Report

Blue Spruce 

May 18th-24th, 1968 #318-68

or photos

Patrol Report #349-68

Charlie Ridge Area

The Jim Southall Story, Over 100 Patrol Reports.

Click the link at the bottom of this page for the next patrol report.

LCpl Southall 15th Patrol 143 hours with 15 sighting on Hill 425.

The Jim Southall Story

Some Give It All

The Jim Southall Story

1st Recon Battalion
1967 - 1970

The Jim Southall Story, Over 100 Patrol Reports.

A work in progress!

Amongst the members of Lance corporal Jim Southall's 15th patrol were:

PFC Robert Todd, worked with Jim Southall only one time on patrol in 1968. Robert was with Bravo Company November 1967 - October 1968 he lived in Lancaster, Ohio before passing away on April 28th, 2010. Click here

The Jim Southall Story
Some Give It All

LCpl Robert Jay Todd