1st Recon Battalion Association

2020 Messages

Date: Sunday, January 28, 2018 09:00 pm
Subject: Frank Durham

Hostage 1-0, 

 I saw your request in the Patrol report and Frank is in Heaven now.  We lost him in 98 or 99. I visited with Frank in 1985/1986. Franks is an Ace and a true warrior.

 I’m not aware of the status of the other Cayenne team members that you did an emergency extract on July 25,1968. I was with Bravo Co 1st Recon BN (Jun 68-Jul 69). Thanks for reaching out.

Semper Fi,

Herman Jonse Jr

Retired (MGySgt USMC)

From: Patrick Sirmon [mailto:psirmon@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:31 PM
To: Herman Jonse

Subject: Re: Frank Durham

Thank you  for your reply.  It means a lot to me.
50 years have gone by since then, but the memories remain.......and mean more to me year after year.  The memories of courage and bravery of you and your brothers continue to inspiration to me.  From this old fart retired Marine, and I appreciate your response. I sincerely appreciate your service and the service of all your Recon brothers.
As a side story, in April or May 1968 I was a member of a 5 Marine detachment sent to the Army 1st Air Cav.  They had just gone into the A Shau valley.  The Marines were: Major Keating, Staff Sergeant Hughes and a Captain whose name I do not remember from 1st Bn and Captain Key and me gun ship pilots.  Major Keating and Staff Sergeant were KIA's and the Captain was WIA. That experience has bonded me to Recon Marines.....forever . 
Again, Thank you and Semper Fidelis,
Patrick Sirmon

 From: Herman Jonse <herman.jonse@gmail.com>   
 To: 'Patrick Sirmon' <psirmon@bellsouth.net>
  Date:Sunday, January 28, 2018 11:35 pm
 Subject: RE: Frank Durham



Every time I hear the chopper, it’s like the air angels in sky coming to extract us. Thank you and your team mates for risking it all to insert and extract us.


I can still see the YT on the CH 46’s.


Semper Fi,



Frank Durham

Past Messages part 2

Message moved from Home page of this website July 26th, 2020 to make room on our main web page.

Sorry for the inconvenience

From the San Diego Union-Tribune:
Camp Pendleton Marines ordered to follow state’s shelter-in-place guidelines
Brigadier General Daniel Conley on Saturday issued the instructions to Marine Corps Installations West, which includes Camp Pendleton

By City News Service
April 5, 2020
7:01 PM

Marines at Camp Pendleton have been ordered to follow California’s “shelter-in-place” guidelines guidelines and face severe penalties if they don’t, according to the military base’s commanding general.

Brigadier General Daniel Conley on Saturday issued the instructions to Marine Corps Installations West, which includes Camp Pendleton.
``"As of March 19, the state of California instituted a “ ‘shelter in place’ order,” Conley wrote. ``"The order directs all individuals to remain at home or place of residence, except as needed in limited circumstances.”
The commander’s order said all personnel will curtail their off-duty activities to abide by the California orders.

“Travel while on leave or liberty is only authorized to conduct essential services such as medical needs, groceries, banking, exercise and gas stations,” the order said. `"While in a leave or liberty status, and while traveling to conduct essential services, all MCIWEST personnel shall limit travel to within a 30-mile radius of their residence.”

Marines are ordered to have a `"heightened awareness regarding the spread of this infectious disease.”

“Marines and sailors are not authorized to attend social gatherings outside their home, and social contact at private residences will be limited to household members only,” the order states.

Violations of the order are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the commander said, and personnel may be subject to “appropriate administrative or judicial action.” Read the full story at San Diego Union-Tribune Click Here

From the Marine Corps Times:

Coronavirus | COVID-19 Updates

All 1st Marine Division units will train at their home station, no more Twentynine Palms trips for now.

VA reports 200th plus death from coronavirus as of 4/1/2020 Click Here

Recruits begin taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Marine drill instructors and recruits now training with skivvy shirt face masks

Stay safe and we'll get through this time together.

New updates coming soon...


“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Winston Churchill

Marine Raiders Battalions of WWII

Marine officers on Tulagi. LtCol Edson is second from left in front row.

Marine Raiders gathered in front of a Japanese bunker on Bougainville

A BAR man in the bow of the rubber landing craft provides covering fire as a 10-man boat crew of Marine Raiders reaches the undefended beach of Pavuvu in the Russell Islands during Operation Cleanslate. (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps)
The Elite of the Elites: the U.S. Marine Raider Battalions, 1942-1944: A Case Study in Elite Military Organizations

Stephen Mark Houseknecht
In 1942, the U.S. Marine Corps activated the Marine Raider battalions, the first American special forces units of World War II.

However, the introduction of an elite subculture within the ranks of the Marine Corps, which already prided itself on being the nation’s elite fighting force, resulted in conflicting cultures and competing identities. Many Marines felt that the creation of an elite within the ranks of the elite was superfluous and undesirable. The preferential treatment and widespread publicity accorded to the Raiders, combined with the Raiders’ sense of exceptionalism and claims to superiority, garnered resentment among other Marines.

Ultimately, the leadership of the Corps concluded that the Raider battalions were a detriment to the morale and esprit of the Marine Corps. Such resentment, in conjunction with the changing realities of the Pacific War in 1944, led to the end of the Raider program in early 1944.

As an elite organization operating within the culture of a recognized corps d’elite, the Raiders present a unique case study in the nature of elitism in military cultures.

This thesis examines the unique circumstances surrounding the creation of the Raiders, their rise to fame, and sudden fall from grace, concluding that the operational necessities of the late war period converged with the on-going cultural unrest within the elitist culture of the Corps to spell the end of the Raiders.
Houseknecht, Stephen Mark, "The Elite of the Elites: the U.S. Marine Raider Battalions, 1942-1944: A Case Study in Elite Military Organizations" (2015). MSU Graduate Theses . 1173. Read the full thesis
One of Carlson's Raiders is listed in today's Taps Report. Fair Winds and Following Seas to Benjamin Franklin Carson, of Beaverton, Oregon.  Read Ben Carson's obituary

Benjamin Franklin Carson
FEBRUARY 23, 1923 – MARCH 22, 2020

Benjamin Franklin Carson, 97, of Beaverton Oregon, passed away on March 22, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Helen, his son Jerry and wife Paula, daughter-in-law Julie, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son, Dennis.

Ben was born in Henderson, Minnesota on 2/23/23 and stayed on the family farm until he was 18. When Pearl Harbor was attacked, he joined the Marine Corps where he earned a spot with Carlson's Raiders. He fought in five major battles: Midway, Makin, Bougainville, Guadalcanal, and Iwo Jima. He was part of the initial group in to occupy Japan and after spending 39 months overseas, came back to Minnesota and married his sweetheart, Helen on May 5th. They were married 75 years.

In 1952, Ben joined the Federal Forest Service. He moved around the country, starting with Iowa State where he attended college. Minnesota, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Alaska, California, Washington D.C. and Oregon were all places Ben and Helen called home. They retired to a small farm, aptly named the DunRoamin Ranch, in Oregon where they grew filberts and kiwi. The farm was started with family at the center. The yearly harvests helped to fund the grandkid's education and truly became a multigenerational venture. The family also worked with Washington County's Agritourism Program to promote agricultural education. Ben's love for agriculture gave him the opportunity to serve overseas again, but this time with the State Department. He made two trips, one to the Republic of Georgia and Azerbaijan and another to Uzbekistan and Turkey to help them cultivate kiwi vines.

Ben served as a court mediator for Washington County Courts for many years and was active in the county’s “English as a Second Language” program. He also volunteered at a local high school that sponsored a Veteran’s Historical Program. He would spend an entire day answering questions from curious high school students, relating stories about his wartime experiences. Along with this, Ben was interviewed by multiple WWII historians and even wrote some manuscripts of his own - documenting his life growing up in the Great Depression and his time in WWII.

Later in life, Ben's focus turned back to the Marine Corps. He became the primary force behind the recovery of nine marines left on Makin Island. He worked with Louis Zamperini and traveled back to Quadralene Island to observe the recovery. A documentary titled "Execution Island" cataloged their journey.

He was a wonderful man, truly one of the “Greatest Generation,” who will be dearly missed.

USS Theodore Roosevelt

Navy sailor assigned to USS Theodore Roosevelt dies after contracting coronavirus
At least 600 crew members who were aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Click Here

Message from Bill Meyers

Today and tomorrow mark the 54th anniversary of the Battle of Hill 488, which took place in the Republic of Vietnam during the night of 15–16 June 1966.
The fight on Hill 488, also known as Howard’s Hill, was a vicious engagement between 18 Marines and sailors of Team 2, 1stPlatoon, Charlie Company, 1st Recon Battalion, (call sign Carnival Time), and 200 – 300 NVA and Viet Cong troops who were sent to destroy them. Referred to in several articles as an “Alamo with survivors”, it was a desperate close-quarters struggle that resulted in a lopsided victory for the Americans and produced what may still be the most highly decorated small unit in US military history.
In a nutshell, S/Sgt Jimmie Earl Howard’s 18 man reconnaissance team (16 Marines and 2 Navy Corpsmen) were inserted onto the hill on 13 June, 1966, to establish an observation post from which to track enemy troop movements in the valleys below. Throughout the 13-15th they called artillery and close air support on numerous enemy units, and were to be extracted on the evening of the 14th, but Howard, thinking he had a good evacuation route, argued to remain one more day.
The NVA had either seen or deduced that a team must have been on the hill, and a large unit was deployed with orders to destroy the Marines “no matter the cost”. A nearby Army Special Forces unit informed Howard, on the 15th, that a battalion of NVA (approximately 250 troops) was moving against the Marines, so the unit was on alert throughout the night. Nevertheless, the NVA managed to cautiously infiltrate to within yards of their position before L/Cpl Ricardo Binns fired the first shot of the conflict and the battle began.

Corpsman Billie Don Holms said later that “They were within 20 feet of us,. Suddenly there were grenades all over. Then people started hollering. It seemed like everyone got hit at the same time.”
The NVA were armed with heavy machineguns and mortars, and the Marines with only rifles and limited ammunition, though the team also had two batteries of artillery in direct support and close air support was on station throughout the night. Most of this was coordinated by S/Sgt Howard personally, even after he was severely wounded and incapacitated. The air support, relying on flares to illuminate the target areas, ran gun runs within yards of the Marines’ lines. On the ground, the fighting was at extremely close range, often hand to hand, and the enemy tried to remain as close to the Marines as possible in order to gain some protection from the air support.
It was 0100 when “Smoky Gold”, an Air Force flare ship, finally reached Nui Vu. The first flare that was dropped immediately revealed the gravity of the situation faced by Carnival Time. NVA reinforcements in the valley appeared to Pfc Joseph Kosoglow as he peered down the slope of Hill 488 “.........like an ant hill ripped apart. They were all over the place”.
The NVA conducted three massive attacks against the recon team, all of which were repulsed, and individual fighting was continuous. The Marines and sailors could not stand or crawl without being silhouetted along the hillside, and had to fight from the prone position.
After the first assault, nearly all of the team members had been wounded.
While the enemy used automatic fire liberally, Howard commanded the Marines to fire only single shots in order to conserve ammunition. As the fight continued during the night, the Marines used knives and entrenching tools as ammo ran low, and recovered enemy weapons and ammunition to remain armed. Later in the fight, as the Marines’ grenades were expended, Howard directed his men to throw rocks; when the NVA troops tried to get away from what they thought was a grenade, the Marines were able to shoot them with single shot fire.

All night long the NVA used bugles and taunts to attempt to undermine the morale of the recon team. “Marine, you die tonight”, and similar calls floated up the hill in the darkness. At one point, after a long barrage of such threats, Howard and his men laughed uproariously for several minutes. Afterward, the enemy commander stated that that moment was exceptionally demoralizing for his men who had expected an easy victory over the small team.
At sunup, close air support was able to come in closer with deadlier effect, and a company of Marines (C Co, 1/5) landed nearby to extract the team. Former Corporal Jim Davlin was a grunt with 1/5, and he later wrote: “That evening we were called on to go to the aid of a Recon unit in deep shit. To say I was a little scared is an understatement. Recon never gets into a little trouble they usually get in a shit storm. And if they needed help you can bet the farm it was not going to be enjoyable. We mounted up, boarded the choppers and were off.”

Two helicopters were shot down while attempting to recover dead and wounded, and the rifle company sustained casualties as well as it fought its way through the NVA to link-up with the team. (The squadron commander was killed when his bird was shot down during this operation.)
Corporal Davin wrote, “Shortly after that, as the sum came up, we came into the LZ at that God-forsaken hill. What we did, the KIA’s ad WIA’s we took, although heart wrenching, seems now just a side note to what had happened to those brave Marines on that Hill that night. No movie will be made about it; no history book will ever remember it; but I saw and helped some of this country’s greatest heroes… 16 June, 1966, I stood with the most gallant men our Marine Corps has ever produced. There has never been a day since that I don’t think of them.”
When the fight was over, Carnival Time had lost 6 men KIA, and the enemy dead are estimated at 50 – 200. Howard received the Medal of Honor, 4 of the Marines and sailors were awarded the Navy Cross (2 posthumously), and everyone else the Silver Star. All were awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received during the fighting.

For an excellent article about the fight, from multiple perspectives, see http://www.1streconbnassociation.org/Recon%20Reflections%20Issue%2026.pdf

Below are several of the citations for heroism for some of the team members who fought on Hill 488. There is also a book, entitled Hill 488 by Ray Hildreth, who was a team member during the battle.
The President of the United States
in the name of The Congress
takes pleasure in presenting the
Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Gunnery Sergeant (then S/Sgt.) U.S. Marine Corps, Company C, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division. Place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 16 June 1966.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his own life above and beyond the call of duty.

G/Sgt. Howard and his 18-man platoon were occupying an observation post deep within enemy-controlled territory. Shortly after midnight a Viet Cong force of estimated battalion size approached the marines' position and launched a vicious attack with small arms, automatic weapons, and mortar fire. Reacting swiftly and fearlessly in the face of the overwhelming odds, G/Sgt. Howard skillfully organized his small but determined force into a tight perimeter defense and calmly moved from position to position to direct his men's fire. Throughout the night, during assault after assault, his courageous example and firm leadership inspired and motivated his men to withstand the unrelenting fury of the hostile fire in the seemingly hopeless situation. He constantly shouted encouragement to his men and exhibited imagination and resourcefulness in directing their return fire. When fragments of an exploding enemy grenade wounded him severely and prevented him from moving his legs, he distributed his ammunition to the remaining members of his platoon and proceeded to maintain radio communications and direct air strikes on the enemy with uncanny accuracy. At dawn, despite the fact that 5 men were killed and all but 1 wounded, his beleaguered platoon was still in command of its position. When evacuation helicopters approached his position, G/Sgt. Howard warned them away and called for additional air strikes and directed devastating small-arms fire and air strikes against enemy automatic weapons positions in order to make the landing zone as secure as possible. Through his extraordinary courage and resolute fighting spirit, G/Sgt. Howard was largely responsible for preventing the loss of his entire platoon. His valiant leadership and courageous fighting spirit served to inspire the men of his platoon to heroic endeavor in the face of overwhelming odds, and reflect the highest credit upon G/Sgt. Howard, the Marine Corps, and the U.S. Naval Service.

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Corporal [then Lance Corporal] Ricardo C. Binns (MCSN: 2031505), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as a Scout Team Leader, Company C, First Force Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in the Republic of Vietnam on the night of 15 - 16 June 1966. Corporal Binns' platoon established an observation post deep within enemy territory. At 0100 a massive assault was launched against the Marine position by a determined and well-trained North Vietnamese battalion. The murderous enemy fire was so intense that five of the eighteen-man platoon were killed and the remainder wounded. On two separate occasions, with complete disregard for his personal safety, Corporal Binns braved the withering enemy fire to forcibly pull to the ground severely wounded Marines who had unconsciously exposed themselves to almost certain death. Realizing that his Platoon Leader was wounded and unable to move, and preoccupied with the direction of close support aircraft, Corporal Binns took it upon himself to direct the fire of the remaining seven Marines, redistribute the ammunition of those who could not use it, and care for the wounded. Although painfully wounded in both legs, Corporal Binns displayed magnificent courage throughout the night and long into the following morning. His selfless devotion to duty, superb professional skill, deep concern for his fellow Marines, and extraordinary heroism inspired all who observed him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.
General Orders: Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals
Action Date: June 15 - 16, 1966

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Hospitalman Third Class Billie D. Holmes (NSN: 6848245), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism on the night of 15 - 16 June 1966 as a Medical Corpsman, Company C, First Force Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in the Republic of Vietnam. Serving with a platoon which was attacked by a determined and well-trained North Vietnamese battalion after the platoon had established an observation post deep within Viet Cong-controlled territory, Petty Officer Holmes, in the face of the intense enemy fire, left the meager cover of his position on the perimeter to render aid to the wounded. Oblivious to the shouted warnings of his Platoon Leader to take cover, he repeatedly exposed himself to the hostile fire by moving from one wounded man to the next, administering emergency treatment. On two separate occasions when there were enemy grenades exploding, he covered the body of his wounded companion with his own to prevent further injury. Although twice painfully wounded, he continued giving aid and comfort to the wounded throughout the night and morning. Petty Officer Holmes' outstanding professional skill, extraordinary heroism, and deep concern for his comrades were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
General Orders: Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals
Action Date: June 15 - 16, 1966
Service: Navy
Rank: Hospitalman Third Class

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Corporal Jerrald Rich Thompson (MCSN: 1892012), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as a Squad Leader serving with the First Platoon, Company C, First Force Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in the Republic of Vietnam on 16 June 1966. While occupying an observation post at 0100 on Hill 488, Quang Tin Province, deep in enemy controlled territory, the platoon of 18 men was subjected to an intense assault by a North Vietnamese unit estimated at battalion size. Corporal Thompson immediately ordered his squad to withdraw to a predetermined defensive perimeter. Braving a hail of small arms fire, automatic weapons, and mortar fire, the small bank of courageous Marines fought their way to the relative safety of the defensive position. In the course of this action, Corporal Thompson was painfully wounded by an enemy hand grenade and was unable to proceed. Armed with only a knife, he engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and killed two before he fell, mortally wounded. By his indomitable fighting spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds he was instrumental in the defense of his platoon's position. Corporal Thompson's courageous action under hostile fire reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.
General Orders: Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals
Action Date: 16-Jun-66
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Corporal

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal John Terry Adams (MCSN: 2033889), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with Company C, First Platoon, First Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in the Republic of Vietnam on 16 June 1966. Corporal Adams was a member of a reconnaissance team occupying an observation post on Hill 488, Quang Tin Province, deep in enemy controlled territory. During the early morning hours the platoon of eighteen men was subjected to an intense assault by an estimated North Vietnamese unit of battalion size. As the members of his team were withdrawing to a pre-designated defensive perimeter, Corporal Adams braved the withering small-arms fire and returned accurate rifle fire which momentarily slowed the enemy assault force and enabled his companions to reach the relative safety of the defensive position. Firing all his ammunition, Corporal Adams fearlessly charged directly into the assaulting horde and, using his rifle as a club, killed two of the enemy soldiers before he was struck down by automatic weapons fire. Severely wounded, he once again engaged an enemy soldier in hand-to-hand combat and, in a final effort, killed his foe. As a result of his courageous action and fighting spirit, his comrades were able to rally and withstand the onslaught of the numerically superior enemy. Corporal Adams upheld the finest traditions of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.
General Orders: Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals
Action Date: June 15 - 16, 1966
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Lance Corporal

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lance Corporal Raymond Stanley Hildreth (MCSN: 2147409), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Scout with Company C, First Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with combat operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam. Shortly after midnight on 16 June 1966, Lance Corporal Hildreth's eighteen man patrol was occupying an observation post deep within enemy controlled territory in the vicinity of Chi Tu, Quang Tin Province, when a Viet Cong force of estimated battalion strength crept close to the Marines' position and, on a pre-determined signal, launched a vicious attack with small arms, grenades, automatic weapons and mortar fire. Observing that an enemy machine gun positioned about fifty meters from the Marines' perimeter was bringing devastating fire on his unit, Lance Corporal Hildreth courageously exposed himself to the awesome firepower and, armed only with a rifle, literally fought a duel with its crew, killing the Viet Cong and temporarily silencing the gun. When other Viet Cong brought the gun back into action, Lance Corporal Hildreth repeated his valiant action and eliminated the relief crew. His determined effort at great risk of his own life contributed in large measure to the successful defense of the hill in the face of overwhelming odds. Lance Corporal Hildreth's resolute fighting spirit, bold initiative and unwavering dedication to duty throughout were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Action Date: June 16, 1966
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Lance Corporal
Company: Company C
Semper Fidelis!
Ray Hildreth

June 15th, 2020

Bill Meyers

Hill 488 1st Recon Links

Thanks for all the work on Hill 488.  Come back anytime Bill.

Bill Meyers

1st Recon Battalion Association

Facebook Page

Association of the Natural Warrior

Private group · 653 members

“Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation of those who have gone before me”

Navy Cross
DURING Korean War
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Battalion: 3d Battalion
Division: 1st Marine Division (Rein.)



Authority: Board of Awards: Serial 349 (May 12, 1953)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Staff Sergeant William D. Weisgerber (MCSN: 1072880), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Right Guide in a Platoon of Company I, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea on the night of 2 October 1952. With his platoon engaged in attacking a well-entrenched enemy force occupying an outpost forward of the main line of resistance, Staff Sergeant Weisgerber aggressively led his men in the face of a devastating barrage of hostile small-arms, artillery, mortar and grenade fire and initiated a daring charge against a machine-gun emplacement, succeeding in destroying the enemy position with hand grenades and small-arms fire. Although painfully wounded by the intense enemy fire, he steadfastly refused medical treatment and courageously moved forward to aid a wounded comrade. Fearlessly exposing himself to a veritable hail of hostile fire falling over the area, he personally carried the casualty down a hazardous slope. Severely wounded by a burst of mortar fire while engaged in this heroic act, he continued to assist his wounded comrade until physically incapable of proceeding any further. By his outstanding leadership, great personal valor and intrepid fighting spirit, Staff Sergeant Weisgerber served to inspire all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26 & Part 27