Hello Association Members,

Please reply and update or confirm your Information, so we (The 1st Recon Battalion Association) can function efficiently. When I do not get a response, I will assume the information is incorrect for you. If you do not see an * ASTERISK by your name on our directory or your name is not highlighted your Info is not confirmed. Our New 1st Recon Battalion Association Members Directory will be on display at this year's reunion.  The directory had not been updated from day one, over 16 years ago, so we cannot assume that the information for you is correct.

 I will be printing the new directory soon and sending out the balance of the reunion postcards to all association members with missing or incorrect information. As of today we have over 950 of our members with unconfirmed information and over 150 members with no information available.  All 1st Recon Association Members with unconfirmed or no information available will not be listed in our Members Directory on display at this year's reunion. If  you can confirm your Information by our 2019 Reunion, you be listed then. If you have no information available you maybe dropped from our membership rolls in the 1st Recon Battalion Association by our 2019 reunion. So please let me know if your information is correct or update your Info today by clicking this link. Click Here or you can email me. 

Your 1st Recon Battalion Association Website Information

can be found at: 1streconbn.org/members.html

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks for all your help.

My email address is floyd@weststpaulantiques.com.

Please keep your information up to date.

This will allow the Association to send messages out from time to time by email or by mail.

See You in Colorado Springs (God Willing)

Semper Fi,

Floyd Ruggles

Membership Director & Webmaster

July 15th, 2018

New update

178 Members with no information available as of August 4th, 2018

To all 1st Recon Association Members with no information available.  If you cannot confirm your Information by our 2019 Reunion, you will be dropped from our membership rolls in the 1st Recon Battalion Association by our 2019 reunion. 

So please let me know and update your information today.

Click the

180 Members with no information available