Lance Corporal James Howard Jones

Silver Star

Awarded for actions during the Vietnam War

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

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"A Hero- Gone But Never Forgotten"

Rest in peace with the warriors.

Lance Corporal James Howard Jones

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal James H. Jones, United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Grenadier with Company E, First Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam.
In the early morning hours of 1 August 1968, Lance Corporal Jones was a member of a sixteen man reconnaissance team occupying an observation post on Hill 200 southwest of DaNang when his unit suddenly came under heavy attack by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army force utilizing anti-tank rockets, hand grenades, bangalore torpedoes and small arms.
Occupying a fortified position at the point of heaviest attack, Lance Corporal Jones was wounded in the initial moments of the attack when his bunker was destroyed by a satchel charge. Ignoring his painful injuries, he unhesitatingly moved along the trench line to another bunker, engaging in hand-to-hand combat and killing three enemy soldiers en route.
Upon reaching the partially demolished position, he fearlessly exposed himself to enemy fire in order to accurately hurl hand grenades and fire his weapon at the North Vietnamese soldiers who were infiltrating his position on all sides. Although wounded again by grenade fragments, he completely disregarded his own safety as he resolutely remained in his position and continued to hurl grenades until he was mortally wounded.
His heroic actions and aggressive fighting spirit in the face of overwhelming odds inspired all who observed him and undoubtedly saved the lives of several Marines. By his courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Lance Corporal Jones upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Action Date: 1-Aug-68
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Lance Corporal
Company: Company E
Battalion: 1st Reconnaissance Battalion
Division: 1st Marine Division (Rein.), FMF

Last Known Activity
UTM grid reference is AT797528
Hill 200 - 27 miles SW of Da Nang

August began with a significant enemy contact for Stingray patrol "Flaky Snow" in the Arizona Territory. At 0405 on 1 August, a company of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong rushed Flaky Snow's position from the north, using grenades, satchel charges, bangalore torpedoes, and RPG fire to overwhelm the Marines. The enemy withdrew immediately, having killed 5 Marines and wounded 11. To complicate matters further for Flaky Snow, the attack temporarily knocked its radio out of action, which prevented it from calling for help. The team got the radio working again at 0600, and called for the reaction force. Within 20 minutes, help arrived. The reaction force landed by helicopter, under fire from the west, to find all of the observation post's bunkers destroyed and a North Vietnamese flag flying over the position. The Flaky Snow Marines claimed to have killed seven of their attackers, but a search of the area revealed only three bodies.

The five members of Team Flaky Snow who were KIA:

Sgt Glen Ray Hicks, Oklahoma City, Ok.
Sgt Gerald Leland Poppa,Salinas, CA.
LCpl James Howard Jones, Beltsville, Maryland (Silver Star).
PFC Scott Gary Smith, Berkeley, Mo.
PFC Theodore Jay Whitlock, North Las Vegas, Nv.

Service number 2366047
Tour start date 11/29/1967

Samuel Luera

Echo Company 1st Recon Bn 1st Marine Division, 1968 in Okinawa for retraining which was cut short due to Tet of 1968. I am next to Lcpl Jones who was KIA on Hill 200 08/01/1968. I am in front of Cpl. Smallwood.

Message from:

June 14th, 2020

Thanks Samuel

Hill 200

Hill 200


Lance Corporal James Howard Jones

RIP James

RIP James



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