Gerald Warren

Delta Company

March 67 - April 68

30 Aug 1966 Date of Entry
Beginning of Boot Camp (8 wk)
Platoon 2207
USMD San Diego

Nov 1966
Company “M” 2nd Battalion (8 wk)
2nd Infantry Training Regiment
Camp Pendleton, CA

Dec 1966

20-day Leave

Promotion to Private First Class

Jan 1967
Reconnaissance School (2 wk)
2nd Infantry Training Regiment
M.C.B. Camp Pendleton, CA

Mar 1967
Shipped out onboard USS Upsure (4 wk)
Start of Vietnam tour of duty

17 Mar 1967 Crossed the 180th Meridian
(Domain of the Golden Dragon)

April 1967
Chu Loi
Delta Company
1st Recon Battalion

Promotion to Lance Cpl

Da Nang
Delta Company
1st Recon Battalion

Jan 1968
Platoon went Afloat
Valley Forge

April 1968
Return to USA (by plane)
Start 20-day leave

May 1968
Brig Guard
Maximum Security Unit
Camp Pendleton, CA

July 1968 Promotion to Cpl (E-4)

29 Aug 1968
Date of Honorable Discharge