Facebook Photos 10-20-2020

Encoding our position. By this time I had replaced my M16 with a M14, which I acquired from another Marine, who was going home. Don't mean to start any arguments, but I thought that the 14 as a much better rifle than the 16. Photo posted by Jim Howard

Charlie Co. 1st Recon 1979. L/Cpl Hudek radio operator. 1st Platoon Photo posted by Albin Hudek

1st Lt Clebe McClary finally received his paddle.Honored. Photos posted by Justin Murray

1999 reunion photo posted by Philip Peters

My Recon buddy Donnie Sheppard sent me this photo. Donnie is on the left, me, Mac?, and Doc Avenel. Myself and Mac had just gotten back to Camp Reasoner from R & R in early 1970. Photos posted by Thurman Mullins