Charles L. Gillespie III

Jocelyn and Fred Buri would like to send our deepest sympathy. You were a great Godfather Uncle Bub, and I (Jocelyn) will miss you dearly. I wish my daughter could have gotten to know you and the great man you were. I love you.
Jocelyn Buro

July 26, 2011 | North Wildwood, NJ

May the love of friends and family carry you through your grief.
Linda Ennis

July 27, 2011 | Tallahassee, FL

Rosemary, Patrick, Roseann, and John Healey would like to express our deepest sympathy to the family and to assure the family that we will be there to help them in their time of need. Our prayers go out to you and your family at this time.
The Healey Family

July 26, 2011 | Gloucester City, NJ

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Callahan,Sr. would like to express our heartfelt sympathy at the loss of "Bub". He was a wonderful man and will be sorely missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at this time. God Bless and we Love you.
Larry and Donna Callahan and Family.(North Wildwood,N.J.)
July 26, 2011

Sorry for your loss Linda. my family's thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Tanya Ruiz

July 27, 2011 | Alloway, NJ

John and Carol Nicholson would like to express our deepest sympathy at the loss of a dear friend. He will be missed by many. Love you Bub.
July 27, 2011

I'm so sorry for your lost and to the worlds lost of a great man. Bub loved his country, family, and Marine Corps. We served together in Force Recon and he was as brave as they come. Rest in peace my Brother.
Ray Milligan

July 26, 2011 | Deptford, NJ

April 5, 1945 - July 25, 2011

We give thanks for Charles Gillespie's life.

After They Are Gone

When someone we love passes away,
We ache, but we go on;
Our dear departed would want us to heal,
After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mend
The anguish and pain in our hearts;
We need time to remember and time to mourn,
Before the recovery starts.

Let's draw together to recuperate,
As we go through this period of sorrow;
Let's help each other, with tender care
To find a brighter tomorrow.

By Joanna Fuchs

Guest Book

Dear Bub,
You brought so much joy to my life. The squirrels were looking for you today, wanting their peanuts. I'm really going to miss you and our times together.
Your loving son-in-law,
Rick Kropp

July 27, 2011 | Gloucester City

Charles L. Gillespie III

Bub you will be deeply missed. You were a great guy and I want to thank you for taking special care of my Nan during her time of need. She thought the world of you and so do we. Rest in peace.
Kelly Rickards

July 26, 2011 | Wenonah, NJ

I may have not known Charles but we are both members of vfw 3620 and MARINES


July 26, 2011 | EHT, NJ

Bub, Its hard to believe you are gone. I never thought we wouldnt have another fishing trip, another laugh or share another cold one. You have made such a difference in my life and in my families lives. I owe you the world. We shared a million laughs together over the years. I feel like you are still here because when I recall the memories, I bust out laughing as if you were right here. Make sure you find all the good fishing spots in heaven and keep an extra pole for me until we meet again. I Love You.
Richard Dolson

July 26, 2011 | Gloucester, NJ

Uncle Bub,
You have been a great joy in all of all of our lives. We love you and you will be dearly missed. You have personally have given me some of the most cherished childhood memories. I still cant thank you enough for all of the memories,love and lessons that you have shared with me throught my life. Thank You and I love you.
Love always,
Joseph, Carles Leo and michelle
July 26, 2011

Uncle Bub,
You have given me some of the greatest childhood memories. You will be missed,greatly. We love you!
Love always,
Joseph, Charles
and Michelle
July 26, 2011


You were truly an amazing person. I will cherish my memories with you for a lifetime. It is so hard to say goodbye to you. I will always keep Bubba! I love you so much, and I miss you already, Pop.

July 26, 2011

Dear Dad,

You have deeply touched so many lives. It is truly an honor to be your daughter. It was a joy to have cared for you in the final years of your life.

Love ,
Patricia Ann
July 25, 2011

We wish to send our thoughts and prayers to the family especially to Trish and Rick. When we loose a loved one it is a difficult time. Please remember that you are both loved.
Cyndee, Tom, John, & James Foscue

July 31, 2011 | Westlake Village, CA


I always knew the day would come when you would not be here with us. It just feels like it is too soon. Thank you for loving me and my family. The memories of the good times are countless -- the trips, the holidays, the weddings, and births. Each one was a little brighter because we got to share them with you. I'm thankful that I've had the chance to love you and have the memories. I know you are smiling down on us and will always be there for us... Till we meet again..

Theresa Ritchie

July 29, 2011 | Brooklawn, NJ

Frances Devanney

July 28, 2011 | Philadelphia, PA

Dear Bub,
I regret we didn't stay in touch recently but I'll always remember you living with us when you were in high school and lifting weights every day. You grew so fast and became so muscular my Mom couldn't believe it. The years we worked together and your return from 'Nam are with me forever. We will miss you. Semper Fi.
Jack Hotz and Family
July 28, 2011

Dear Bub, Growing up you were such an important influence in my life. Patti Ann and I were inseperable and you always treated me as one of your own. I will never forget when you took us to our first concert, Cindy Lauper. And every time I am down the shore the first thoughts I have are of you taking us to your house in Ocean City and Sea Isle. I was truely blessed to have known you and your family. Thank you My prayers are with Patti Ann and Rick.
~ Michele Amatrudo
Michele Amatrudo

July 29, 2011 | NJ

Dear uncle bub,
from me to you, I want you to know what a great joy and influence you have been in my life. Since your passing, I have found myself thinking of the 70's and 80's. Vivid memories like sitting on your lap and driving the monte carlo. Junking cars on market st., spending time with you on hudson st., and down the shore. Ill never forget falling off the 2nd floor of your shore house. My first beer, and among all else, just spending quality time wirh you as a child. By the way, thanks for not influencing my mother and father to name me pete or frank. Please remember that you will not be forgotten as I will surely say your name everyday as I enjoy the gift of saying my sons name charles leo Gillespie the 5th.
Love always,
your nephew joe
July 28, 2011

Pop, I am much better at hellos then goodbyes, so I am not going to say goodbye to you but instead SEE YOU LATTER! you were an amazing man and grandfather and you will never be forgotten. Easter egg hunts will not be the same without you. Thank you for all the great memories they will stay with me forever!
I love and miss you

July 28, 2011


A man is not dead until he is forgotten. Go in peace and remember you are not forgotten while I am still on patrol.