Reuniting all eras of Marine Corps' 1st Recon Battalion, including members of the 1st Force Recon Company, Deep Reconnaissance Platoon and the Amphibious Recon Company. Membership into this association of special warriors is free. The association's "Patrol Report" is published twice yearly with reunion information and other Recon news.

Join by clicking on the Application link at the top of this page,it's free.

To find someone you served with

Click on the Members link at the top of this page.

This Website is a Work in Progrees


Donations can be sent to the Association Treasurer:

Creg Howland
43761 Churchill Glen Drive
Chantilly, VA 20152

Make donations payable to The 1st Recon Association

Commemorative Bricks

Commemorative Bricks will line the winding pathways in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members, family and friends are invited to donate a commemorative brick to honor a reconnaissance Marine or Corpsman, living or deceased. 1st Recon Commemorative Bricks will be placed along the pathway in front and around our memorial. The Association is collecting 1st Recon commemorative brick donations and inscriptions and submitting them to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. Commemorative bricks may be ordered through the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association with a donation of $210.00 for each brick plus $5.00 for related postage with each order of one or more bricks.


Brick Engraving Guidelines. Each brick may have no more than three lines; each line may be 20 characters in length (a character includes all letters, punctuations and spaces). Each line must end with a complete word or name (words and names will not be hyphenated and continued on the next line). You may purchase as many bricks as you like. Examples of commemorative brick inscriptions are provided below.

Order your Commemorative Brick(s) and submit your contact information (name, mailing address, phone number(s), and email address) along with a check or money order and your brick inscription to the 1st Recon Battalion Association at the address below. The MC Heritage Foundation will provide a proof copy of each brick inscription before it is engraved. Ensure you send your contact information in case there are questions about your inscription. Thank you for your support of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial and Commemorative Bricks. Commemorative Brick check or money order donations should be made out to: 1st Recon Battalion Association. Send your contact information with your $215.00 donation and brick inscription to: 1st Recon Battalion Association, c/o C. Kershaw, 2527 Unicornio Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Call or email Charlie Kershaw with brick questions at: 760 402-8638 or

Memorial Day 2024

Semper Fidelis Memorial Park

Quantico, Virginia

The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association

We Remember

1st Recon Battalion Association

1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial Remembrance

Association Purpose

1st Recon Battalion Association Website is a work in Progrees.

I'm looking for suggestions on how all the members want the website to look come August 2024. Get involved email me at:

1st Recon Bn Association


1st Recon Battalion


Post it Here Meeting & Events Photgraphs

1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Thank You





Click Here part 1 of 17

Taps 21 parts

 click here

PFC Ralph Henry Johnson

PFC Thomas E Jenning

Operation "Rock"

Lt. Clebe McClary

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. Our Website Navigator is at the top of each page.

"This website makes me proud I served" Email sent in July 17th, 2019 from Buddy AKA Ryder Haskell Delta Company 66-67. Thanks Ryder 

Dong Den Photos

New Members

Floyd Ruggles 

Please keep your contact INFO up to date.

This will allow the Association to send out messages from time to time.

Thank You,

This Website is

84 Months Old

September 26th, 2024

Memorial Day 2017 - 2024

1st Recon Battalion Association

Members Photos

Your Webmaster

Camp Reasoner 2016


              They came this way but once. Yet, they               touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.

Click the photo

Ron Overton

Steven Plunkett
1/9/50 - 5/28/18

Steven Michael Mace


Bill Smith

Terry L Moore

October 17th, 2018

Email from Mike Collins:

Floyd, Here is the website and incident report from HMH 364 Purple Fox regrading the helicopter crash we were involved during resupplying our OP. The crew chief Charlie Bassett posted the report on their website. My son Patrick found it. After reading he referenced that he knew I was Medivaced to Japan but didn't know if I survived. I contacted Charlie to let him know I did survive the crash. He asked me to add my recollection of that day and they added to their website. Maybe you can add this to our website. Thanks, Mike Collins

Floyd Ruggles 

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Membership Director

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Membership Director

Flag Raised on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima
23 February 1945

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association 

1st Recon Battalion Association is a non-profit organization of former and current members of the 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

Our mission is to help locate former Recon Marines and their families, and to recognize those who paid the ultimate price through the 1st Recon Memorial Fund which has established and will help maintain the permanent memorial at the Marine Corps Historical Museum at Camp Quantico Virginia.





SECTION 1. CRITERIA. All Marine and Navy personnel who were assigned to or were attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division are eligible for membership in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association.

SECTION 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association may grant Associate Membership to any parent, spouse, child or sibling of anyone, living or deceased, who was assigned or attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division and friends and supporters of the association. Associate Members shall not exceed 20% of the general members of the association. Associate Members may participate in Association events, except the general membership meeting and have no voting rights at Association meetings.

SECTION 3. DECEASED MEMBERS. All who met the aforementioned qualifications for membership and are deceased will be carried on the Association's deceased member rolls as they become known.

SECTION 4. DUES. Association members have no mandatory dues. However, Members and Associate Members are encouraged to make donations, annually, to help defray the Association's operating expenses.

An annual donation of $10.00 is suggested.

For more Info on our By-Laws

New Applications are pending approval by the President and/or the Secretary of the 1st Recon Battalion Association. It may take a week once the member is posted on our website.

Jim Fossos has passed away 

Mike, I apologize for the delay in your updates to this website.

Check out all the new updates.

Jim's Photo Albums

Names on new members for 2018-2024 

Join by clicking on the Application link at the top of this page.

Message from Rihard J Schadl  

August 30th, 2018 4:45pm

Subject: Death Notification


Message: It is with great sorrow that I pass on information about the death of Bruce Ware. Bruce served as commander of 3rd platoon, Echo Company, 1st Recon from December 1967 to December 1968. He died August 28th, 2018. Semper Fi, RJ Schadl

Bruce Ware

December 18th, 2018

Message from Emily Martin

Subject: USNI Photo Request

I am the photo researcher for the U.S. Naval Institute, a non-profit located in Annapolis Maryland. For the upcoming issue of Naval History, our bi-monthly periodical, we are featuring an article by a former Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned to Charlies Company, 1st Reconnaissabce Battalion, 1st Marine Division in 1967.

His article covers a patrol he was on in May 1967 out of Da Nang. We're looking for photos from the time period of 1st Recon Battalion with Corpsman on patrol.

Is it possible that any of your members might be able to help?

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

Emily Martin

Corpsman, Up! 

A Navy corpsman in the Vietnam War pens a gripping firsthand account of the night in 1967 that still haunts him to this day.

Naval History Magazine - April 2019 Volume 33, Number 2

By Ralph DiPietro

Louisville, Kentucky


SGT John Sleeper

John Sr. & Patricia Peeples

John Peeples Jr., son of SSgt Peeples

John & Patricia

Good Morning, 

My name is John Peeples Jr., son of SSgt Peeples, John of Delta Company 1st Recon Bn. Marines 1967.  I wanted to update your records that my father passed away from agent orange/ cancer throughout his whole body and brain.  He passed in October 2008.  He is remembered by his wife Patricia, Daughter Julie and his son John Peeples Jr.  He has a grandson named after him John Peeples III, who is 18 years old. 

Edward Henry

Bravo Company Team: Chili Pepper

If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" Phone: 513-607-9184 Email:


If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" Email at:


Col. William "Doc" White USMC Ret.

Rodney H Pupuhi

Mike St Clair

Charlie Kershaw

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Webmaster

Last update: 9/1/2024  - 2:00 AM

Must See!

Doc Terry Coffin

Alpha Company

Ken Androes

Delta Company

Updates June 30th, 2019

It is with deep sadness that we report the news of the death of Ciro Viento of Alpha Company. He will be greatly missed by his family & friends of 1st Recon. We give thanks for Ciro's life.

Ciro A. Viento

A Brave Marine's Last Words!

Cpl Frank James Montez

Alpha Company

1st Recon Battalion Association members

On July 2, 2019 at 3:58 PM   Doc Lakernick  wrote: Subject: Dave Apgar and Jim Fossos update. Message: For those of you that did not know Dave had a Heart Attack 7 weeks ago and is in rehab and not permitted to travel and as of last Wednesday told me he would not make this years Reunion and wants everyone to have a great time. Jim Fossos doctors have told his family that he is not going to be able to travel for the foreseeable future. So Jim will not be in attendance this year also.

1st Recon Bn  Association members please join FMDA

2018 Colorado Springs Reunion Photos

2018 Colorado Springs Reunion Photos

Dan Mulvihill,

Chuck Bosley, 

Rick Binns

Bernie Kuntz Bravo Company

2018 New Members


Steve "Doc" Lakernick


Doc's Obituary

*Members of the 1st Recon Battalion Association*
Below is a picture of a custom-made belt buckle which will be produced and offered for sale to members of the 1st Recon Battalion Association.

Plans are to take orders on or about June 15 for delivery to members attending the August reunion. Following the reunion, orders will be taken for delivery by mail.

The particulars concerning price and mailing costs are yet to be determined but will be published well before June 15.

We would like to gauge membership interest in order to help us anticipate the number of buckles that will be produced.

Please send me an e-mail,, if you would be interested in purchasing a buckle.


1st Recon Battalion Association

Belt Buckle

Dave Doc Snider,

Posted these photos on Facebook.
Me and Harry at Reasoner. The last time we were together there was following a nasty patrol into Dodge City. — with Harry Mundorff

Reconners, I just approved the addition of Thanh Trang to this group. Thang, pronounced Tang, is a Vietnamese guide that his guided over 20 1st Recon members around VN for the past 15 years.

He was the guide that led us to Camp Reasoner and the discovery of the main gate in 2011. He also found and led us to Howard's Hill. There were Eight 1st Bn Reconners on this trip. He has led 4 Recon only trips and will guide one more Recon only trip this March. He loosely meets our criteria for membership by providing support to the 1st Recon Bn Association. IF THERE IS OPPOSITION TO TANG’S INCLUSION, I WILL REMOVE HIM IMMEDIATELY. — with Thanh Tran, Harry Hayes and Daniel B Bracken.

Team “Stone Pit” 5th Platoon, 1st Force Reconnaissance Co.  

Send in your team photos.

On 5/2023, Charlie Kershaw <> wrote:

Charlie Kershaw

Stay Safe and Healthy Members!

2021-the present 


Jerry Hairston



Edward Reed Jr

They came this way but once. Yet, they touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.

Stay Safe and we'll get through these turbulent times together.


Post it Here Messages, Meeting, Events & Photgraphs

My Marine friend, Gunny Joe Roque is trying to find the grid co-ordinates for a 1st Force Recon base that he visited in Sept. 1969. I found reference that may be a location, mentioned in the after action report dated Sept 1969 map 6640-111. "Depart HLZ 469 at 310800H" is listed. Does anyone know the grid co-ordinates for this? Semper fi, Steve Lovejoy USMC 1966-69 Mike 3/5 1st Mar Div Feb 1967 - Mar 1968 Contact Me at:

June 15th, 2020


Capt Thomas H. Ralph

Clifton, TX

Jeffrey Jerauld Hein

Jeffrey Jerauld Hein served in 1st Recon Battalion, Delta Company in Da Nang, Vietnam as a Radioman.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Tony Martinez

Alpha Company  1969-1970

1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Camp Reasoner 2020

Remembering Vietnam

1st Recon Battalion Patrol Reorts

Joseph R. Martinez

Looking for Marines 

 who served with my father

Message: Hello and Semper Fi. My father served with 1st Recon in Vietnam. He was at Camp Reasoner in 70 or 71 I believe. I am trying to find his fellow Recon Marines, so I can understand better the contribution my father made for our country. He was hit with RPG near Quang Nam in Feb of 70 or 71 if I am correct. Thank you for your help.



Echo Company 1970

Team: Coffee Time

Add a photograph


Message: Sad to hear that King Dixon former company commander of both Bravo and Force companies in 1966-1967 has passed from cancer on 6th July 2020.


Semper Fi


Albert King Dixon II

The Old Breed News

Back Issues


New Messages 21 Parts

New Messages 21 Parts

New & Past Messages 21 Parts


Ernest "Pete" Tompkins 

Navy Medic David Snyder

talks about being part of

small recon teams on patrol.

Message from the President
1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association Marines and Corpsmen,


 The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s 2023 reunion will be held in concert with the 1st Marine Division Association’s 76th Annual Reunion at the Orleans Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Essential Elements of Information for the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association Reunion follow. 

Location and Date.   Orleans Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada.  1st Marine Division Association 13-20 August 2023; 1st Recon reunion events are 16-19 August.  

Hotel Reservations.  Reservations may be made online at the Orleans website: or by telephone at:  800 675-3267.  The Reunion Group Reservation Number is:  FMDH23C.  The reunion room rate is in effect until 14 July or when the block is sold out. 

Transportation.   Airport to hotel shuttle service is available for guests at the airport Arrivals level.  In addition, Division Association has contracted with a shuttle service to transport reunion guests from the Las Vegas airport to the Orleans Hotel and return for $20.00 per family.  Shuttle reservations should be made on the reunion registration form.   

Reunion Registration.  Reunion guests should complete and mail the attached Division Association Registration form (attached) as soon as possible but not later than 25 July.  

Reunion Activities.  Division Association reunion activities are listed on the attached registration form

Recon Association activities.

· The Leatherneck Club.  Thursday, 17 August, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.  Swap sea stories and enjoy a BBQ  buffet lunch ($30.00 per person) which includes pulled pork, chicken, baked beans, coleslaw and fresh rolls.  

· American Shooters Range (adjacent to Leatherneck Club).  American Shooters (  Weapons firing and a pistol marksmanship competition, open to Association members and adult family members.

· Shuttle transportation to/from 17 August activities will be provided by 1st Recon Association.

· General Membership Meeting.  Orleans Hotel,

   Friday 18 August 10:00 am -12:00 pm.  

   For more Information Click Here   

Semper fidelis, 

Charlie  <>  

Deceased Members List

Deceased Members List

New Members List 2018-2024

Deceased Members List

New Members List 2018-2024

Thurman Mullins & Charlie Daniels

Steve Grandusky

Bravo Company 68-69

We have new up-to-date information on Steve check the directory.

Photo Gallery


Corporal Murdock entered the U.S. Marine Corps from Washington and was a member of Company B, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division. On February 1, 1968, he was a member of a reconnaissance team aboard a CH-46A Sea Knight being inserted into central Vietnam when the helicopter was hit by enemy fire and crashed west of Da Nang, killing Cpl Murdock. All other crew members and passengers aboard the aircraft survived the crash; however, they were not able to recover Cpl Murdock's remains from the downed aircraft when they left the crash site. In 1974, the North Vietnamese government returned as set of remains to U.S. custody, and analysts were able to identify them as those of Cpl Murdock.


The Jim Southall Story

Some Give It All

Over 200 1st Recon Battalion Marines involved in this story. The story is a work in progress over the next 2 years.

Over 100 Patrol Reports.

About Us

Stay Safe and Healthy Members!

Happy 245th Marine Corps

Lee Larsen's detailed account of the events of this Patrol 294-69 on April 13th, 1969.

By Gary Graves, HM3

The Jim Southall Story
Some Give It All

Cpl Southall's 33rd Patrol 336 hours with sightings of a total of 342 VC/NVA Team ran two patrols off Hill 200. One patrol came in contact with an enemy booby trap resulting in 3 USMC (WIA) 

The Jim Southall Story
Some Give It All

Over 100 Patrol Reports. Over 200 1st Recon Battalion Marines and Corpsman from all companies. Will be involved in this story. The story is a work in progress over the next several months now thuning into years. Contact me if you want to be involved in the project. Click Here


Marine Corps

1968 Thanksgiving on Hill 425

posted by Dave Doc Snider

Happy Thanksgiving from Camp Reasoner, 1st Recon Bn., Republic of Vietnam 1969
(I'm second from the left on the back row facing forward.).

posted by Thurman Mullins

Posted by: Michael Willis

1st Recon Battalion Association

Sergeant James F. "Jim" Southall

Family photo gallery


2021-The Present

2019 New Members

2020 New Members

Have a great Year Members

2017 Norfolk, Virginia

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Webmaster

They came this way but once. Yet, they touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.



Thanks for your interest in 1st Recon. I'll post your message on our message board today.

I'll send a copy of your email to our president and secretary. They may be able to help you.
I'll start a web page today on this subject. This will be the link to the page:

Keep me posted I'll update the web page from time to time. Good luck with your article, I'll look forward to reading it.

Semper Fi

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board

February 2021

Message from: John A Brady
Phone number: 805.748.9000
Subject: 1st Recon Btn 1959 trek from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney
Message: I am researching the July 1959 trek of the 1st Recon Btn, 1st Marine Div, Camp Pendleton, from Death Valley, California to Mt. Whitney (Lone Pine, CA).

I would appreciate any information or references I can use to write an article that will do justice to this trek.

Any pictures, articles, or first-person accounts would be most helpful.

We'll see you all at the 2024 reunion

San Antonio, Texas

God willing

Memories last only if you share them!

Kyle Randall Bell

Alpha Company

September 14, 1947 - May 22, 2021

Click Here

JUN 25. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (EST)

Jacksonville National Cemetery

4083 Lannie Rd.

Jacksonville, FL 32218

Alpha Company

I'm looking for photos

David Oestman

Alpha Company 

AUGUST 66 - SEPT. 67


On June 10, 2021 2:26 PM David Snider <> wrote:

Another Alpha Duece Marine has gone on to Heaven. Dave passed away Wednesday June 10th, 2021 @ 5pm. He had been admitted to a care facility with dementia creating many problems. He had fallen a week or so ago and broke his hip which aggravated his condition. Dave served with A-2 1st Recon Bn. I sure will miss him as he has touched my life as I know several of you too, who ran many patrols with him. He had received a bronze star for carrying Wounded Harold Griffin out through the trees under fire on a harness to the chopper.

New Members

Apply today for membership in the 1st Recon Battalion Association

Click this link to apply and help us to grow as a organization.

Association of the Natural Warrior


SECTION 1. CRITERIA. All Marine and Navy personnel who were assigned to or were attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division are eligible for membership in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association.

SECTION 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association may grant Associate Membership to any parent, spouse, child or sibling of anyone, living or deceased, who was assigned or attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division and friends and supporters of the association. Associate Members shall not exceed 20% of the general members of the association. Associate Members may participate in Association events, except the general membership meeting and have no voting rights at Association meetings.

SECTION 3. DECEASED MEMBERS. All who met the aforementioned qualifications for membership and are deceased will be carried on the Association’s deceased member rolls as they become known.

SECTION 4. DUES. Association members have no mandatory dues. However, Members and Associate Members are encouraged to make donations, annually, to help defray the Association’s operating expenses. An annual donation of $10.00 is suggested.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Over 1500 members and holding and still growing as a organization.

 Apply for membership today. If your application is approved your membership fees will be free.

Click here for the 1st Marine Division Leaders

1st Reconnaisance Battalion Association

2018 - 2023

New Messages

Notice to the members of the 1st Recon Battalion Association

We need your help.



Taps 21 parts & Horor Wall 4 parts

Sgt. Maj. Otis Barker

He retired from the U.S. Marine Corps after 30 years and as a correctional officer with South Central Regional Jail, Charleston. In the U.S. Marine Corps, he served in World War II, Korea, Lebanon and Vietnam. He received the Silver Star, Bronze Star and five Purple Hearts (Cross of Gallantry.) SgtMaj Otis "Top" Barker

Meet one of our members of our association.

Paul B Goodwin, USMC Colonel retired

1st Lieutenant Stephen A. "Steve" Zrenda Jr.

Bravo Company June 1970 - February 1971

Passed Away January 16, 2021

Part 17 a work in progress.

New Update July 31, 2021

Click Here

2021 reunion photos 

2021 reunion photos 

2021 reunion photos 

Part 1 of 9

Part 1 of 9

Happy New Year 2024 


Association of the Natural Warrior

Gil & Lucille Perez 

It is with deep sadness that we report the news of the death of Gil Perez.

He died peacefully last night 1/23/2022 with his devoted wife, Lucille, at his side. He will be greatly missed by his family & friends. We give thanks for Gil's life. He came this way but once, yet he touched our lives in many ways while he was here. We shall remain eternally grateful for his friendship and for the influence he bestowed upon us. I will keep everyone informed as I get updates about the funeral.

New Members for 2024

May your friends always bring you joy.


6 Parts & 2 Websites

  Gil Perez   1/23/2022

Floyd, Thank you for getting back to me. I greatly appreciate you posting my video and song on your website. You can see hear more of my songs on Youtube JACK'S GUITAR LOUNGE.
Jack Murphy

On January 10, 2022 at 11:46 AM JACK MURPHY wrote:  Subject: VETERANS
Message: When people say get over it please share with all Veterans.
Jack Murphy 199th Light Infantry Brigade 69-70

PFC John Marvin Stenberg

Panama Hat

Point on Point 5/26/1969


Sgt Garry Kline, Alpha Company

  Doug Wolfe   3/31/2022

2025 Reunion 

Floyd Sr. RIP Dad





The 1st Recon Battalion Association will honor our absent reconnaissance team-mates with a memorial service and a wreath at the 1st Recon Battalion memorial, National Museum of the Marine Corps Memorial Park at 1200, 27 May 2023.

A luncheon reception will follow at 1300 at the Globe and Laurel Restaurant, 3987 Jefferson Davis Highway, Stafford, VA 22554.

Marines, Corpsmen, family and friends of 1st Recon Battalion are cordially invited to attend.  

Semper fidelis,

Charlie Kershaw


Get Involved in this project this will eventually be our time capsule left behind by 1st Recon members from Vietnam.

A Several-Year Project

Change of plans our 2025 reunion has been moved to Quantico, Virginia

See you all at the Reunion 2025

in Quantico, Virginia God Willing

More Information

Coming Soon


Important Message

This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

Will be at the bottom of this web page
Please read it before using this website.

Thank You

This website contains, in various sections, portions of copyrighted material not specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is used for educational purposes only and presented to provide understanding or give information for issues concerning the public as a whole. In accordance with U.S. Copyright Law Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit. More Information

Information presented based on medical, news, government, and/or other web based articles or documents does not represent any medical recommendation or legal advice from myself or 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association For specific information and advice on any condition or issue, you must consult a professional health care provider or legal advisor for direction.

I and 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association can not be responsible for information others may post on an external website linked here ~ or for websites which link to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association. I would ask, however, that should you see something which you question or which seems incorrect or inappropriate, that you notify me immediately at Also, I would very much appreciate being notified if you find links which do not work or other problems with the website itself. Thank You!

Please know that there is no copyright infringement intended with any part of this website ~ should you find something that belongs to you and proper credit has not been given (or if you simply wish for me to remove it), just let me know and I will do so right away.

Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

By using this website, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association, you are agreeing to use the site according to and in agreement with the above and following terms of use without limitation or qualification. If you do not agree, then you must refain from using the site.

The 'Terms of Use' govern your access to and use of this website and facebook pages associated with it. If you do not agree to all of the Terms of Use, do not access or use the website, or the facebook sites. By accessing or using any of them, you and any entity you are authorized to represent signify your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

Said Terms of Use may be revised and/or updated at any time by posting of the changes on this page of the website. Your continued usage of the website, or the facebook site(s) after any changes to the Terms of Use will mean that you have accepted the changes. Also, any these sites themselves may be changed, supplemented, deleted, and/or updated at my sole discretion without notice; this establishes intellectual property rights by owner (myself).

It saddens me to include a Terms of Use for 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association, but we all realize it is something that is necessary and must be done these days. By using the website, or facebook for 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association, you represent that you are of legal age and that you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and any subsequent modifications. Your use of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association sites signify your electronic acceptance of the Terms of Use and constitute your signature to same as if you had actually signed an agreement embodying the terms.

1st Recon Reunion 2025

Important Message

This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

Will be at the bottom of this web page
Please read it before using this website.

Thank You

Important Message

This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

Will be at the bottom of this web page
Please read it before using this website.

Thank You

Important Message

This Website Terms and Condition

of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

Will be at the bottom of this web page
Please read it before using this website.

Thank You

Important Message

This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'

Will be at the bottom of this web page
Please read it before using this website.

Thank You

These terms apply to all pages on this website.

Click here for the Commandant of the Marine Corps

Lieutenant Colonel D. J. Davis
Commanding Officer, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion


Sergeant Major, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion

2021- 2024

New Members

This is a story about the entire battalion during the Vietnam War.

for me

Get Involved

The project well be on display in Washington DC at our 2025 Reunion.

5 Years of work on this project so far, what an estimate of a little over 1 year to go.

Semper FI

I've been asked over & over again "why Sergeant Southall". My answer will always be, it could have been any of us in 1st Recon. You will see that if you follow along with the story. It's a work in progress.

Click here

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board will be our newsletter going forward. 

It's ongoing and you can be a part of it. Each month through out the year.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board will be our newsletter going forward. 

It's ongoing and you can be a part of it. Each month through out the year.

Our mission is to help locate former Recon Marines and their families, and to recognize those who paid the ultimate price through the 1st Recon Memorial Fund which has established and will help maintain the permanent memorial at the Marine Corps Historical Museum at Camp Quantico Virginia.

1st Recon Battalion Association is a non-profit organization of former and current members of the 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

Welcome to our New 2024 Website Format. 

2024 Newsletters

July 11th, 2024 Message

Looking to become a member of 1st Recon Battalion Association.

You can access the 10 parts/pages by Clicking the photograph.

This website has been changed to a new format. You can access the old format and any or all old web pages by clicking a copy of our old website. As of February 18th, 2024 the format on the old website will start slowly disappearing and changing over time. This new website is now built and is up and running. The August 2024 reunion in San Antonio, Texas is up-to-date as of 7/28/24. Sorry for all the inconvenience but it's something that needs to be done if we are going to keep pace with our young Marines.

Bravo Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, Combat Readiness Evaluation.

This is the extraordinary story of the men of the United States Marine Corps' 1st Recon Bn, Bravo Company, 1st Platoon. In 2010, they were sent to Afghanistan to stir up a nest of Taliban that had been inflicting significant damage on Marine infantry units in the Sangin River Valley. The Taliban soon came to fear these warriors because of their bold and decisive action, eventually dubbing them "The Black Diamonds," and warning other Taliban forces to steer clear of them.

On October 25, 2010, while the platoon was on an early morning patrol, two of the Marines were hit by an IED. The unit was then ambushed and came under heavy machine gun and RPG fire as they worked to evacuate their wounded. The Marines held their ground and struck back in an hour-long firefight as a much larger enemy force massed on the area.

MSgt Dave Jarvis (Ret) recalls: "We're all going home. You know, whatever it takes, we're going home." The platoon and attachments received 25 awards for valor and 14 were awarded purple hearts. And all 23 Marines and sailors came home alive.

In the Summer of 2020, The Bar X Project had the privilege of hosting these Marines for their annual reunion in Montana. Our mission is to reunite combat-wounded Marines and Corpsmen with their units to promote healing through fly fishing.

Always Beside You | 1st Recon Bn, Bravo Company, 1st Platoon

RECON MARINES of Bravo Company in ACTION at 1st MARDIV Squad Competition

Force Recon | 2022 | "Swift, Silent, Deadly"


Realizing it is my choice and my choice alone
to be a Reconnaissance Marine,
I accept all challenges involved with this profession.
Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation
of those who went before me.

Exceeding beyond the limitations
set down by others shall be my goal.
Sacrificing personal comforts and dedicating myself
to the completion of the reconnaissance mission shall be my life.
Physical fitness, mental attitude, and high ethics --

The title of Recon Marine is my honor.

Conquering all obstacles, both large and small,
I shall never quit.
To quit, to surrender, to give up is to fail.
To be a Recon Marine is to surpass failure;
To overcome, to adapt and to do whatever it takes
to complete the mission.

On the battlefield, as in all areas of life,
I shall stand tall above the competition.
Through professional pride, integrity, and teamwork,
I shall be the example
for all Marines to emulate.

Never shall I forget the principles
I accepted to become a Recon Marine.
Honor, Perseverance, Spirit and Heart.

A Recon Marine can speak without saying a word
and achieve what others can only imagine.


This website will be changing to a new format in August of 2024. You can access the old format and any or all old web pages by clicking a copy of our old website. As of February 18th, 2024 the format on this page will start slowly disappearing and changing over time. A new website is being built and should be up and running by the August 2024 reunion in San Antonio, Texas. Sorry for the inconvenience but it's something that needs to be done if we are going to keep pace with our young Marines.

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages.Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages.Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.

To San Antonio, Texas 2024 God Willing

Save the dates for August 2024

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on this website.


Thanks for the email.

Donations can be sent to the Association Treasurer:

Creg Howland
43761 Churchill Glen Drive
Chantilly, VA 20152

Make donations payable to The 1st Recon Association

Hello Floyd:

I just returned from a Business Trip to Thailand and Vietnam. Sorry for not responding to this mail earlier.

Question: Where do I send the Annual Donation? I really appreciate your efforts in keeping the ship afloat.

Semper Fi,

Gerry (Tran Phu) Florentine
Alpha & H&S Co.
Feb-67 to Dec-69

Email from Ronald Overton <> 8/31/2023 2:01 PM

Draft of Minutes from our 2023 Reunion

Hi folks,

Sending this to the three of you to check it for accuracy and make sure I didn't miss anything.

I also have the attendance sheets.

Semper Fi,


1 st Reconnaissance Battalion Assocation
2023 General Membership Meeting
August 18, 2023
10:00 Hours: Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Presidents Report: Quiet year but facing declining membership. Everyone
needs to continually try to recruit new members particularly from the more
recent wars.

Treasurers Report: Bank balance is $25,387
It was suggested that the association acquire a Square
card reader as it would enable people to pay for
auction items with a credit card. It was felt they
would spend more.

Secretary’s Report: Read minutes from 2022.
Alerted membership to attempted phishing

Membership Directors Report:

We have 230 deceased members with 54 losses from 2018 to 2023.
New members over this same period totaled 122 but each year, the
number is smaller reflecting the age of the members and the pool
from which to draw from .
Membership total is 1561 with 864 active members. It was noted
that we have over 800 members on our Facebook page but only half
are members of the association. We want to continually recruit from
this pool. It was also noted that 1 st Force Recon Association has over
1400 members and this also represents potential recruits.
For next year’s meeting we need to try and broadcast the proceeding
via Zoom to those unable to attend. It is estimated that 60% of our
membership is unable to attend reunions due to health or financial

New Business:
Zoom capability for the reunion. Motion carried.

Election of Officers:
Charlie Kershaw was reelected as President term to expire in 2026
Curtis Gruetzmacher was reelected as Vice President term to expire in 2026
Dave Bacher was reelected as Chaplain term to expire in 2026
Mike Collins was reelected as Sergeant at Arms term to expire in 2026
Floyd Ruggles was reelected at Webmaster and Membership Director term
To expire in 2026.*

Ralph Witken was elected as Associated Director term to expire in 2026
Dave Snider was elected as Director Emeritus

Meeting adjourned

Thanks for being our reunion auctioneer!
You generated nearly $3,000. for 1st Recon
Battalion’s general fund. Well done!
Semper fi,
Charlie Kershaw


Name: michael fallon
Phone number: 703-201-2644
Subject: Hill 119, Delta Company OP , Vietnam
Message: Looking to interview Marines & Corpsmen who served on Hill 119 between October 60 to Sept 70.
please respond initially by email :
Semper Fi
Delta & Bravo Companies 1970

God bless the United States Marine Corps.

Semper Fi, Floyd Ruggles

Membership Director & Webmaster


I'm looking for suggestions on how all the members want the website to look come August 2024. Get involved email me at:

Get Involved Members

78th Annual Reunion

1st Marine Division Association & 1st Recon Battalion Association will gather August 2025 for our 78th Annual Reunion in Quantico, Virginia more information coming soon.

Up-to-date Information 

1st Marine Division,Change of Command July 2nd, 2024

MajGen Benjamin T. Watson

MajGen Robert C. Fulford

It should be a well-attended reunion. It's going to be the 55th anniversary of Rust Act We are still accepting Registrations for our upcoming Reunion in Quantico, Virginia. We will be releasing more information soon. Save the dates it will be held in Auqust 2025 in Quantico, Virginia. Contact Charles Kershaw at for more details.

Please make sure to let Charlie know if you're going to be attending.

When our reserved block is full, you may get a room, but not at our group discount rate.

Major General Benjamin T. Watson will pass the Division Colors to Major General Robert C. Fulford, on July 2nd of this year.

Coming soon


Dear Members,

On Jul 26, 2024, at 3:59 PM, CKershaw <> wrote:

1st Recon Battalion Association members, family and friends,

Our annual reunion is fast approaching and I want to ensure you have the latest reunion information.

The 2024 Reunion will be held in San Antonio, Texas 19 -25 August (1st Recon events are scheduled 22 - 25 August). A 1st MarDiv Association Reunion registration form is included with this email. Register as soon as possible while reunion rooms are still available.

The reunion hotel is the San Antonio Riveerwalk Holiday Inn, 217 Saint Mary’s Street San Antonio, Texas78025. Make your room reservation with Yolanda at: 210 272-1515. The reunion Group Code is FMD.

They came this way but once. Yet, they touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us. 

It is with deep sadness that we report the news of the death of our brothers. They will be greatly missed by their families & friends. We give thanks for their lives.

Michael "Mike" Shokatz

Blas George Mendez, Sr.

Louie Rightmire

Hospital Corpsman



Gray Rock Ridge

This is an important Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Membership Director & Webmaster

This is painful for me to say but I will be ending my 10 years as your Membership Director and Webmaster in 2025. I'm looking forward to passing the torch to a younger Marine at our reunion in 2025. If you're interested in the position please contact me as soon as possible. It's been my pleaure to serve as your Membership Director & Webmaster all this time but it's time for me to move on and retire from the job.

October 2024

This website has been changed to a new format. You can access the old format and any or all old web pages by clicking a copy of our old website. As of February 18th, 2024 the format on the old website will start slowly disappearing and changing over time. This new website is now built and is up and running. The August 2024 reunion in San Antonio, Texas is up-to-date as of 7/28/24. Sorry for all the inconvenience but it's something that needs to be done if we are going to keep pace with our young Marines.

2024 San Antonio, Texas Reunion

Charlie Kershaw

President of the

1st Recon Battalion Association

Registration Form

After you have checked in at the Holiday Inn, San Antonio, Texas join your recon team-mates in the Recon hospitality suite.

Recon events include:
Thursday 22 August. 1:00 - 4:00 pm visit the Alamo.
Friday, 23 August 2-4 pm visit 4th Recon; Texas BBQ dinner and live auction

Saturday, 24 August. 10 - 11 am General Membership Meeting

6:00- 10:00 pm Farewell Banquet (men - formal attire with miniatures, dress blues
with ribbons and badges, coat and tie. Ladies: cocktail dresses)

Sunday Check out & departure.

Your team-mates and I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio.

Semper fidèles,


San Antonio, Texas


1st Recon Battalion Association

Patrol Report

Year Book

April 9th-22nd, 1969 #294-69

Cpl Southall's 33rd Patrol 336 hours with sightings of a total of 342 VC/NVA Team ran two patrols off Hill 200. One patrol came in contact with an enemy booby trap resulting in 3 USMC (WIA)

Some of the Members of Corporal Jim Southall's 33rd patrol were:

Sgt Lopez, this is the last time they will work together on patrol. They work together on patrols 29 & 33.

LCpl Michael J Will, this is the 2nd time they will work together on patrol. Patrols 29 and 33. Jim Southall was wounded in action (WIA) on his 28 patrol in 1968.

PFC  MICHAEL "Mike" DYKEMAN, this is the 2nd time they worked together on patrol. Patrols 29 & 33 in 1969. Mike is a member of 1st Recon Battalion Association.

PFC Guimond, will appear only on one patrol report with Jim Southall in 1st Recon Battalion.

Corpsman HM3 Gary Graves, this is the only patrol he worked together with Jim Southall in Bravo Company Gary was in Bravo Company from October 1968 through October 1969. I can testify that Gary was one of the best Corpsman in Bravo Company 1st Recon. He is also a member of the 1st Recon Battalion Association.

Team: Year Book

April 9th-22nd, 1969 #294-6

The Jim Southall Story
Some Give It All

America The Beautiful

My country 'tis of Thee
Sweet land of liberty

Let freedom ring!

My Grandson AJ

September 2024

Thanks for stopping by today

About Us

Click a photo to link to a web page on our website, a memorial tribute to our brothers.

On a sad note, the last time I sent out a large amount of emails was about a month ago. What you don't know, unless you keep up with the website newsletters/message boards, is that out of the 1500+ emails sent to our members we had 52 emails kickback to me. This is 3 1/2,% of the total emails sent. Out of the 52 kickbacks on a quick search I found 12 deceased members which is 23% of that total. This is shocking news to our organization.

Which brings me to this point. The 12 deceased brothers, whose deaths ranged from 2015 to the present, tells me that the method that I'm using to track the membership totals, is not working at all given the average age of our membership.

Looking at this method and the 23% that I received in the last kickbacks is telling me that we possibly have about 345 or more members that might be deceased. That's a Company and a half of brothers.

Let me just be upfront with you. This is not a paid position that I hold unlike 1st Force or the 1st division associations webmasters. I'm not asking for compensation for my time. I'm here to serve you and the membership of the 1st Recon Battalion Association to the best of my ability. The end of my assignment is at the 2026 reunion. I thank you all, for the opportunity to work as your Membership Director/Webmaster which will end in 2026. (For more on that see the website.)

So I'm going to need a little help and assistance with the membership directory. I'm requesting all members from the president on down going forward that with this email and any email you received from me, You need to hit your reply button and let me know that the email was received. This may sound extreme but this is the only way I can keep an up-to-date directory. I will flag that your email and information is possibly not correct in the directory if I don't hear from you in a reasonable amount of time.

Looking at it from the numbers standpoint the average name/member search takes me 15 minutes to conduct. That tells me it will take me 375 hours to do a full search of our members directory. That doesn't even include the 60 to 90 minutes it takes me to do a memorial tribute webpage when I find or hear of a fallen brother. Thanks for your help in keeping the directory current. It will really help me out.

Hope to see you all at our up-and-coming reunion in San Antonio or maybe next year in Arlington (see website for details). Please respond to Ron's Facebook request from Charlie. Let him know if you will be at the reunion and which events you will be attending. He particularly needs a head count for the BBQ.

Check out our website from time to time for new updates.

Over the years our members have brought their ‘treasures’ and auctioned them off with the funds going to the general fund. However, Members and Associate Members are encouraged to make donations annually to help defray the Association's operating expenses. An annual donation of $10.00 is suggested. Donations can be sent to the Association Treasurer: Creg Howland, 43761 Churchill Glen Drive, Chantilly, VA 20152. Make donations payable to the 1st Recon Association.

Please keep your contact INFORMATION Up-To-Date. This allows the Association to contact you. Our membership directory is at: Please let me know if your Information is not correct. You can also reach me by phone. My cell number is (612) 810-4196. Call me from 10am-5pm.

Semper Fi,
Floyd Ruggles
Membership Director & Webmaster

A Message from the Webmaster

These 20 Marine Brothers were added to the deceased role the week of August 11th, 2024


Rest in Peace my Brothers

Change of plans our 2025 reunion has been moved to Quantico, Virginia

Limited Space Available

2024 San Antonio, Texas Reunion Photos are posted.

November 2024