Rush Act Tribute

Rush Act Tribute 

HM2 Russell Glen Daniels

Last Known Activity

43 years ago today, 15 Marines were killed during a rescue attempt in the Que Son mountains of Vietnam. These Marines will never be forgotten by their buddies who served with them. Many of us will raise a toast to them at 1800 on 18 November as we do every year. Here is their story:

Reconnaissance Company, Headquarters Battalion (Reinf.), First Marine Division (Reinf.) Fleet Marine Force Pacific Issue #25 1 December 2010
1st Reconnaissance Battalion Operation Order #1187-70 of 12 November, 1970 ordered the insertion of 1st Recon Team “Rush Act” from the Battalion’s Bravo Company into a haven in the Que Son Mountains, some 22 miles or so south of their base at Da Nang. The patrol was ordered to Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations within an assigned haven to detect possible VC/NVC troop movements or arms infiltration and to be prepared to call and adjust Air and/or Artillery on all targets of opportunity.

Team Rush Act, consisting of: Cpl John Frank Stockman, the Patrol Leader; HM2 Russell Glen “Doc” Daniels, the team’s Navy Medical Corpsman; LCpl David Vincent Delozier; Cpl Randall Paul Manela; LCpl Charles Alfred Pope Jr.; LCpl Robert Eugene Tucker and Cpl Fernando Villasana was inserted by HMM-263 on 10 November, 1970.

While executing their mission at least two of the Team members became debilitated by the notorious Vietnam FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin) and were being doctored by HM2 Daniels. As fate would have it, Doc Daniels suffered a broken leg as he slipped on a wet mountain slope during one of the Teams movements. The Patrol’s orders called for an extraction on 19 November but Doc Daniel’s condition became a major concern of the Team and they requested an early extraction.. The urgency of their request prompted two attempts to extract. Both attempts were cancelled due to heavy rain and fog in the Team’s haven area. Rain and fog notwithstanding the Thunder Chickens of HMM-263 were determined to extract their brothers and mounted a third extraction attempt on 18 November.

The short account which follows is a narrative from HMM-263 regarding the third extraction mission:
Three days overdue for extraction from their monsoon-soaked haven in the Que Son, 1st Recon Battalion Team “Rush Act” had monitored two aborted previous attempts to lift them out. They had sick and injured Marines and they were out of food and water. The “Thunder Chickens” of HMM-263, would try, once again, to penetrate the fog. Editor’s Note: Reflections is grateful to Charlie Kershaw and Dave Snider, President and Historian respectively, of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association, for suggesting the theme of this issue and for providing valuable resources. We all do well when we reflect, even with remorse, upon the legacy which the brave men of Team Rush Act, the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, the pilots, crewmen and gunners of Medium Helicopter Squadron HMM-263 and MAG-16 have left us. We consider it an honor to aid in the preservation of that legacy. God Bless The United States Marine Corps.

Danger gleams like sunshine to a brave man's eyes— Euripides A recon team from the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion call sign, "Rush Act" was 3 day overdue from extraction and was out of food and water with several Marines injured. They were located on a high peak in the Que Son mountains (AT 967407) on a difficult slope. Many attempts were made to extract them in the days prior to November 18th but were thwarted by monsoon rains and clouds. On November 18th Major Ted Tobin set out from the recon helo pad with Lt Curt Rogers flying his wing. Tobin's aircraft carried the CO of the 1st Marine Reconnaissance Battalion, Lt Col William G. Leftwich, his operations officer and several other extract certified Marines. While flying to the location of Team Rush Act, Tobin's CH-46 experienced RPM surges that required it to land at LZ Baldy, several clicks south of their intended mission. At LZ Baldy it was determined that the "SPIE" rig would be transferred to Lt Curt Rogers CH-46 (Bureau# 154837). Once the transfer was complete the section departed for the pickup. LT Rogers flew over the team in bad weather but was able to spot them and began the extraction. During the extraction the weather deteriorated quickly resulting in extremely poor visibility. Lt Rogers reported he had the team and was departing the area. He was not heard from again. During the retrograde operation the following day it was clear that the CH-46 carrying Team Rush Act and all their command staff made a turn in IFR conditions and flew into the side of the mountain killing all 15 Marines.