1st Recon Battalion Association

1st Recon Battalion Association

Thanks for your service.

Part 16


January & February

1st Reconnaissance Battalion
Missions / Patrol Reports

Are you looking for your Old Patrol Reports? Check out this page on my website:


Too close to whisper...
...one click for "yes", two for "no"...
"Brothers of the Bush"

Recon...their name is
their honor...and nothing more
need be said...Recon

Floyd Ruggles

Check Out New Messages

Part 17 - 2023

All Companies

Photo Gallery

The Memory Remains Not All Wounds Are Visible.

"A Brotherhood Forged In Combat"

1st Reconnaissance Battalion Index


Message Board Links

Part 1 - 2018-2019 

Part 2 - 2019-2020 

Part 3 - 2020 

Part 4 - 2020 

Part 5  - 2020

Past Message Board

Past Newsletters 

Part 1 - 2017-2018 

Part 2 - 2018 

Part 3 - 2018 

Part 4 - 2018-2019 

Past Reunions 

Past Stories 

Send in your photos

Part 6  - 2020

Past Photos Galleries 

Part 7  - 2020

Part 8  - 2020



Photo Gallery

Part 10  - 2021

Click a photo to link to a page on our  website or Facebook. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on the 1st recon battalion association website.

In Remembrance of our brother Reconnaissance Marines & Corpsmen killed in action or otherwise while on duty.

Look at it as your Time Capsule. This website won't stand long after you're gone.


To all members if you find a misspelled word somewhere on our website send the page that the word is on and the word and I'll correct the spelling appreciate the help thank you.

Part 11  - 2021

1st Reconnaissance Battalion
Missions / Patrol Reports

Too close to whisper...
...one click for "yes", two for "no"...
"Brothers of the Bush"

Recon...their name is
their honor...and nothing more
need be said...Recon


Bravo Company 1968-1969

Part 12  - 2021

Meet some of our members of our association.

To all Association Members,

Please reply and update or confirm your Information.
Your 1st Recon Battalion Association Website Information
can be found at: 1streconbn.org/members.html

Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for all your help.

My email address is floyd@weststpaulantiques.com.
Please keep your information up to date.

This will allow the Association to send messages out from time to time by email or by mail.

Semper Fi,
Floyd Ruggles
Membership Director & Webmaster

1st Recon Battalion Association

1st Recon 2023

New Members to the Association of the Natural Warrior


Part 13  - 2021-2022

Part 14  - 2022

Part 15  - 2022

Part 17  - 2023

Otter Reid

I'm sending you 2 pics of me and one of L/Col Dufore for the photo gallery. We were with Team Empire State from Alpha Co in 1969-1970.

Team leader, Otter Reid on the right & L/Col Dufore

Team leader, Otter Reid 

David Vincent Delozier, Lance Corporal,B CO, 1ST RECON BN, 1ST MARDIV, III MAF
United States Marine Corps

Dave was home on emergency leave and I had orders to go to Nam when we accompanied a friend to Kent State to help him move out of the dorm. It was April or May of 1970 and the shootings at Kent State had closed the University but students were permitted to return for their personal belongings. We were met by a National Guard tank at the main entrance. Little did we know that 7 months later Dave would be dead.

Isn't it ironic that two Vietnam-bound soldiers saw each other for the last time at the site of a blood stained road, stained by peace demonstrators?

Our families had been friends for years and they were part of life as I grew up. Dave was an athlete, high school class officer, scholar and friend. I think of him often.

Rest in Peace, My Friend.

Bill Teufel (Point of Origin)

Looking for

My Email Address

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

Does anyone remember Operation Quick Track? It had to be one of the most ill-conceived Marine Reconnaissance operations ever dreamed up! Just read the patrol report and understand there was four of these groups made up from 1st Recon Bn but only 2 that were able to be inserted. Ours was the lucky one put furthest into enemy territory by 4 Ch-46 choppers on a river sand bar. We were out of artillery range so no fire support! Look at the composition of the patrol and imagine how stealthy we were. My best buddy LCpl Frank McCormack told me the first night in the bush "Doc, were all going to die!" Trust me except for the grace of God almighty that should have been the case. As it was we lost one Marine and one WIA.

Message from Robert Buehl Jr.

Base Camps & Major Battle Sites.
From Quang Tri in "I Corps" to Ca Mau in "IV Corps".

Ken Brown

Next day on Hill 200 after SSgt William "Dusty" Rash was KIA and we had three other team members WIA from Rio Grande. August 21-22, 1968. We had the hot side of the hill but plenty of wire and they never got through. "Festus" caught a round in the spine and the war was over for him. That hill was such a thorn in the NVA's ass and it was hit so many times!

We (Lucky Lark) went on a Patrol off Hill 200 after it had got over ran in later part of 1968 and had retreat running back to hill 200. Don't no what team that was on the hill

Curtis Gruetzmacher

Dave Backer, Our Chaplain

Maj.Mac Morning Motivation of some early Alpha & DRP PHOTOS from mid-70' era of the,1st Recon "Blacksheep Bn". Some of my old buddies like Larry Williams Willy, Jeffrey Snow , Pat Mcgilton John DeVries Hob Simpson and others will appreciate these old flashback photos from vmback in the day my Blacksheep Brothers. Lmao, Remember STRENGTH N HONOR always above all else. Mac🙈🙉🙊 and people ask you why they called us Blacksheep of the Corps ...lmao

Que Son Valley Contractors, 

Ronald Overton, Sharing another poem by the Contractor

I've got old man's hands
How it happened I don't understand
The ones that swung a detector over the roads
The ones that use to lock and load
These that use to pull off the leech'
These that buried themselves on China Beach
The ones that worked a P38
So I could have a bite to eat
These that fixed the charge
Made quick work of traps small and large
These the ones that pulled the trigger
I've got old man hands ... go figure .

All those who thought they'd still
be fighting the war 50 plus years later ...
raise your right hands !

Que Son Valley Contractors

Marine Drum and Bugle Corps

DavidandShan Backer

Another batch of flicks from CoA mostly at Camp Reasoner, 1968-1969

John Feeley and me 1969

Feeley, Wilson, Unk and Vaughn 1969

Fleming in the weeds 1969

Freedom HIll

Ford, Newton and me at Freedom Hill 1968



Photo Gallery

Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24 & Part 25

Part 9  - 2020