Justin Richard Noland

Justin Richard Noland

We raised Justin from the time he was four years old. Both his parents were into substance abuse.

What a kid, he had such a wonderful way about him. He was always happy, looking back at his photos, everyone of them shows him with a huge smile. He was an easy going kid. Things just seamed to roll off his back. When he was in trouble, he just took his punishment and never made a big deal out of it. I worked full time and he was in day care. Here too, he did, what he did and would get into trouble and they loved him. You just could not help yourself.

He was very inventive, he could do anything. If he decided to do something he would dive in and see it to the end. He was happy most of the time how things turned out.

This is cute, at eight years old he found a board in our back yard. He took a black sharpie pen and wrote “Dear Grandma and Grandpa Thank you very much for raising me very very kindly and nicely. I love you very very much too. I will take very well care of you when you start to get old. I will take care of you the rest of my life.
Love JRL (note, his last name is Noland)

When it was time to go into the first grade, we made the decision to put him into an alternative school. We enrolled him in to, Eugene Gakuen School. Japanese alternative. He loved it. When the students reach the end of the fifth grade they can take a trip to Japan. Justin decided he wanted to go, he came to us and informed us that it would only take $1000. Ya.. Well, for a year we collected cans and made craft items to sell. He made it, he earned every cent, all we gave him was spending money. He was the only kid out of 21 that earned his way. How proud were we.

Justin was never afraid to work. He was amazing. We would go out to do yard work and there he was, if we were working he was there until the end. At ten years old he and Grandpa painted our home. He was always getting odd jobs around the neighborhood earning enough to buy his own bicycle. He was a real work horse.

He loved to entertain us. He had a play theater and would come get us and would put on his act. At the end he would always bow. So darn cute, it makes me smile to rethink that. He had a beautiful soul, many times we would come home from work to find something he had made us, or a note, sometimes he had dinner made. No matter what, you could not stay mad at this kid.. He had such a soft heart. He loved to play hard, camping, fishing, hiking, riding bikes, football, swimming.

At twenty one he came to me and told me he was joining the Marine’s, I gave him the look. He looked me in the eye, “I would rather die in Iraq, then die in a car crash here in Eugene Oregon. He turned out to be one hell of a Marine. He was “Iron Man” in basic and from there was at the top of his class in all his training.

He was in Recon and was a Scout Sniper. He went to Iraq and Afghanistan on combat tours. He was a team leader and was highly thought of by his peers… He received the “Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with the V for Valor.
He ended his Marine career as a Sniper School Instructor at Quantico, Virginia.

Justin went to Corpus Christi Texas at the end of his enlistment. He was hired on at the Nueces County Sheriffs Department. He worked the jail intake. He became Sergeant in no time.

He was married, divorced. Had twins, a boy and a girl. He loved his children, Taylor and Cameron, more than anything. The children were taken to California. He had some problems and drinking came into play. He was private and kept things to himself.

Justin entered the Corpus Christi, Texas Police Academy. He was so excited that he got in. We were so happy for him. Seven days later he committed suicide.

After Justin passed, I started to get phone calls from his Marine Brothers. GySgt Brian Grogg was one that called. He had trained with Justin and had served in Afghanistan with him. They were good friends. Brian ask if he could arrange the funeral, I am so indebted to him I owe him this. I can not tell you what a beautiful job he did. We had housing and food for the four days that we were all together. There were brothers that came from all over the country. We even had one that flew in from Hawaii. We decided to place him in the National Cemetery in Dixon California.

I have never seen so much love and respect shown to another human. These brothers shared so many stories, some very funny and some heroic. The respect they have for our boy was heart warming. I can not thank them enough for honoring our Grandson in the manner they did. The boys one at a time stood in front of us and told their personal stories on how they knew Justin. Everyone of them shed tears, you could see the pain they were all in.

The day of the funeral there were 37 in attendance, marine brothers, friends and family. Many of his brothers were in their dress uniforms. It was 104 degrees that day. What a sight. Grandma and Grandpa want to thank each and everyone that took their time to honor our boy.

Jim and Sharon Loveall

Caller Times, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1-25-2016

About 9:20 a.m. a 32-year-old man's girlfriend called police and alerted her boyfriend was trying to kill himself, Senior Officer Travis Pace said. When officers arrived at the home in the 6500 block of Lyons Street they tried to make contact with him from outside and heard a single gunshot a few minutes later.

The Hostage Negotiations Team was called to the home since it was unclear if anyone else was in the house with the man. Police told neighbors to stay inside, Pace said. After several attempts to make contact, the SWAT team entered the home and found the 32-year-old man dead.

There was no one else in the house, Pace said. Pace did not have information about where the man had shot himself and said officers continue to investigate.


The Corpus Christi Police Department SWAT team responded Sunday morning to a home in the 6500 block of Lyons Street, near Airline and Wooldridge, after reports of gunshots coming from the home.

It all happened around 9:30 a.m. Once police secured the scene, they made entry to find a 32-year old man with a gunshot wound to the head. That man has been identified as Justin Noland, a former sergeant at the Nueces County Jail.

At this time, police believe it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

1983 - 2016