Coming Soon

Part Two

From: Bob A Ast  Date, March 6th, 2018 10:54 am
Bob's Address: 2020 E 6th Avenue Emporia KS 66801
Bob's Email:
Bob's Phone number: 620-341-0250
Guest Book Message:

Member - hope to see you all in Colorado Springs in August.

Thanks Bob, hope to see you in August... 

Sent: Monday, March 26th, 2018 04:07 PM
Subject: Guest Book

Name: Ronald Dristle 
Address: 7n 778 Sayer rd Bartlett, AL. 60103

Email: r.dristle50@gmail.comnet
Phone: (630) 485-1788

Guest Book Message:

Was with Echo Co. 1968-69 also went to Subic Bay Philippines for scuba school. Semper Fi   Aurrah.


Thanks for the Message Will update our website on 3/29/18:

See You in Colorado Springs (God Willing)

Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2018 06:29 PM
Subject: Guest Book

Name: Jensen L Jensen
Address: 1754 Camelot Blvd Sheboygan WI 530817552
Phone: (920) 452-6810

Guest Book Message:

Getting some up-date for the Aug 2018 Reunion it's, on my bucket list.


Thanks for the Message:

See You in Colorado Springs (God Willing)

Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:39 am

Email from: John Seebold <> 

Subject: Emailing: Over view Recon plaques.docx



My name is John Seebold. I served with Marine Air Support Squadron in Nam
67-68. Duty stations Chu Lai, Da Nang, and khe Sanh. Our squadron
supported air/ground operations in all of I corp. Though our group was part
of the air wing, we were deployed mostly to fire bases with straight leg
units (26th Marines Khe Sanh), to protect our dumb asses. In Da Nang, we
were atop hill 327, 1st recon was below as I remember it.

Yesterday I emailed Floyd Ruggles and your counterpart in 3rd BN recon Bob
Hoover. I tried to mail you the same documentation but the email address I
had of the 1st recon web site was kaput. Floyd has since corrected that.

My reason for contacting the officers, is to make the Association aware of
Marine commemorative plaques for one's service. I have attached pictures
representative of some of the plaques I have produced. Since I begin
designing and producing these commemorative plaques, it has been my
intention to offer simple, cost effective, and emotional representations of
one's service for individuals and family members. These plaques are custom.
They will only be produced for members of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th BN recon
associations. Stolen valor is a problem! For that reason, I stay away from
retail distribution of Recon Associations on a mass market basis. If a
person comes to me that is not on your roster, claiming to be an Association
member or past member, they must produce a DD214 to prove it. As a note
about the DD214. Besides service number it also has ones social security
number. I always tell anyone to black out on a copy of the DD214, that

You will notice the commanders plaque on the attached word doc. My old
squadron is having a reunion in July of this year. The squadron is
currently based at MCB Pendleton. That plaque will be presented at the
change of command ceremonies to the incoming CO.

To that point, the reunion, there will be 4 types of squadron plaques for
one's service I will offer to the squadron members. The plaques will be
presold and mailed prior to the reunion. Why? Hauling finished plaques,
invites unnecessary transportation cost, and damage. I'm you want to know
cost. Plaques have multiple items and some of the items, 3rd BN patches
and stickers are a good example (their PX is closed), may not be available.
As well, design. Once the basic design item's and other variables are
understood, then a firm price can be given to the membership.

Shortly, I will have my web site up. "" examples will be
on the site as well. It is my intention to build the sites brand so that
eventually I can attract deep pockets to finance a nationwide effort to
build monuments in each of the 100 major cities in the US. These monuments
will be for all Vietnam Vets.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.


John Seebold
1305 15th ave.
Vero Beach, Fl 32960

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 12:27 PM
Subject: Guest Book

Your Name: Herbert Love
Your Address: 5311 Baker Drive Charlotte NC 28210
Your Email:
Your Phone number: 704-523-3509
Guest Book Message: Bob and I found each other on TheWall memorial message board. We communicated for a long time and I located a burial place for our common friend and his Marine comrade.

He shared his book with me but now the links do not work. Is there another way to get to his writing. He actually said he did not share it with many people.

He meant a lot to me but never met in person.

Herb .

Sent an Email back to Herb  4/9/2019

Sorry for getting back to you so late but I am working on your request. I have a couple of questions. Were you with Recon? I will add you to our membership roster if you were. If not I will put your message in the guest book. Could you give me more information on the link that is not working. I may be able to repair it. Is the Bob you are referring to Bob Morris. If not please let me know his full name. Could you send me some information on the book you are referring to. Thanks.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 5:01 PM


Name: David L Backer
Address: 665 Collins Crest Gladstone AL 97027
Your Phone number: 503-421-0365

Guest Book Message: GoodJob

Thursday, August 01, 2019 8:30 AM


Name: WILLIAM E Meyers
Address: 6782 Hampshire Drive Indianapolis IN 46077
Phone number: 317-850-9931

Guest Book Message: 1st Recon Bn, H&S and C Companies, 1984 - 86.

Hoping to make the reunion this year! 

Friday, August 30, 2019 8:30 PM


Name: Frank Lane 
Address: 2955 Treadwell Lane OAk Hill VA 20171  
Phone number: No number

Guest Book Message: To all that served in Force Recon

My Marine Officer Instructor at the University of South Carolina in 1980 was then Major Wayne Rollings. A great Marine and deadly warrior. His example of what it meant to be a Marine - to make a difference, put me on the path to become a Marine. 

Friday,  September 6, 2019 at 10:17 AM 


Phone number: 828-484-9879

Guest Book Message: BRAVO 1st RECON 69-70

Email sent to Troy, 

Thanks for signing our guest book. Can I add your name to the list of Bravo Company Members Attending this year's reunion in Las Vegas?



Friday,  September 6, 2019 at 1:25 PM 


Name:  Denny E Eller Sgt 
Address: 97 Burkett Lane Science Hill KY 42553  
Phone number: 606-423-4304

Guest Book Message: 

Greetings to all my Bravo Brothers! I was at Reasoner from Sept. 1969 until Sept. 1970. I was primary radio operator on most patrols but I walked point on one and carried a M-60 on another (real dumb-ass move). My nickname was Moose. May God Bless all who are no longer with us and those that still are. And screw all those mosquitoes, leeches and the rats on Hill 250.

Semper Fi

Email sent to Denny, 

Thanks for signing our guest book. Can I add your name to the list of Bravo Company Members Attending this year's reunion in Las Vegas?



Friday,  September 6, 2019 at 5:39 PM


Name:  Edward Cooper 
Address: 166 Rodeo Dr Utica NY 13502 
Phone number: 315-736-1412

Guest Book Message: 

Going to try make the reunion

Email sent to Ed, 

Thanks for signing our guest book. Will add your name to the list of Bravo Company Members  May Attending this year's reunion in Las Vegas. 

Hope to see you at the Reunion, God Willing.



Wednesday September 4, 2019 9:30 PM

Name: Frank Lane 
Address: 2955 Treadwell Lane OAk Hill VA 20171  
Phone number: No number

Guest Book Message: To all that served in Force Recon


Is there away to contact some Marines that served with then LT Rolling in First Force Recon in 1969? There are two pages on his activities in Bruce Horton's book, STINGRAY on page 212. Then LT. Rollings is extensively mentioned in Dr. Bill Peters book, First Force Recon Company; Sunrise at Midnight.
Semper Fi,


Email back to Frank 9/9/2019


I apologize for the delay in this email to you.

Will post your Message on our website today At 5PM. At this link:

Check out this webpage



Thank you so much. Then Major Rollings was, and continues to be, an inspiration to many of us who he brought into the Marine Corps. Another classmate of mine at the University of South Carolina where Major Rollings was our MOI, was Stacy Clardy who is now the CG, III MEF.

Thanks for your assistance.

Semper Fi


Tuesday, September 17, 2019 1:48 PM

Name: Gary Marshall
Address: 1109 N. Stephora Ave. Covina CA 91724


Guest Book Message: Sgt. Dan Jackman was my senior DI at MCRD San Diego in 1958. Thank you for his obit.

First Sergeant Dan Jackman

Name: Judy Lees
Address: AL

Guest Book Message: Happened onto your website in a roundabout way. I hope you all have an awesome reunion in Vegas! We loved Vegas when we visited...our daughter was married there last year...Elvis, pink Cadillac and all! It was a blast! We were a career Army family. I?ve always had a special heart for Vietnam vets. Even though I was only a little girl, I understood the times were very turbulent. I didn?t have enough context to understand all that was going on culturally, politically. But I remember being very curious about it...trying to conceptualize what I heard adults discussing or what I heard on what served as the evening news. Mostly, I remember believing the young soldiers ?over there? were warriors fighting for my protection and that of everyone I knew and loved. I prayed innocent prayers for your safety and your prompt returns home. Thank you, gentlemen and ladies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 4:55 PM

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 5:30 PM

Name: Paul "DOC" A Tobin

Address: SD



Guest Book Message: I salute the Vietnam veterans. I especially salute my " little brother" James Simpkins of Echo Company '69.

He is well and moving forward every day.

Friday, May 15, 2020 8:07 PM

Name: Arnold P PPpP Leal

Address: TX



Guest Book Message: I served with Echo Company 1st Platoon, 1967-1968 Sgt Donald Briggs was my squad leader. One great Marine.

Sunday, Febtuary 16th, 2020 6:13 PM

Name: Marylin Melnick

Address: AL



Guest Book Message: I just thought that I would look up Jason Armas! Just not sure just how many there are or even if I have the right one but thank you anyway for your service!


Thursday, March 19th, 2020 5:12 PM

Coming Soon

Name: Gerorge Reischling

Address: TN



Guest Book Message: To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know!? Having served as an combat infantryman with the 25th Infantry Division along the Cambodian border, we fought the NVA on an enemy fortress mountain named Nui Ba Den. Like you, we did our job and did it well. Proud to be a Vietnam Veteran!

Courage on the Mountain? has over one hundred 5 star reviews and is a free read to Amazon Prime members who have a kindle, I phone or chrome book. It is both truthful and captivating read. Courage on the Mountain

Thank you for your service to our great nation and I'm proud that you made it home! May God Bless!

Geore Reischling

Courage on the Mountain

Nui Ba Den Mountain

Courage on the Mountain

by George Reischling

Projecting skyward ominously 3200 feet above the surrounding flat jungle terrain towered a solitary goliath of a mountain shrouded with an ancient mystical legend and now an enemy stronghold. Nui Ba Dien or the “Black Virgin Mountain” served as a major staging area for the last finger of the infamous Ho Chi Minh trail as it crossed the Cambodian border just a few miles to the West. Honeycombed with hundreds of caves and fortified with elite NVA and Viet Cong soldiers, she stood as a “Thorn in the Side” of American military control of the region. The 25th Infantry Division held a communication site on her highest peak and also the land encircling her base but her slopes were voraciously defended by large numbers of elite enemy soldiers. Anytime any American unit undertook to engage her slopes, a hellacious battle was guaranteed with the “Angel of Death” always hovering near!

These memoirs illuminate more than just the courage of battle but also the courage and inner strength that the soldiers of Vietnam had to shoulder upon their return home. Courage and dignity qualify all Vietnam Veterans such that the country that at one time turned their back on them now holds them in high esteem. This is my story, start to finish and it was written to enlighten the reader to a greater understanding of the American men and women and their struggles for survival in America’s most unpopular war!

Saturday, August 1st, 2020 11:52 PM

Name: Gloria M Whitinger




Guest Book Message: Thanks for the memories.

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020 1:24 PM

Name: William Page

Address: Tazewell TN



Guest Book Message: Greetings to my fellow Recon Marines. Didn't have the opportunity to serve with the 1st but did serve with 2d & 3rd Recon Bn. Also 2d Force.


Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020 1:24 PM

Name: Richard A Wendt

Address: Manhattan IL 60442



Guest Book Message: Looking for Devil Dogs from Oct. 74 Apr. 75.,

specifically, Cpl. Charest, Pfc Tackett, SSGT. Birdges,

Sgt. Torres, Pfc. Blackwell, Cpl. Simmons, Sgt.

Treadwell, Cpl. Cantu, Pfc. Rubine, and whereabouts

of 1stSgt Debbs, 1stSgt. Effingham and Cpt. Bruin.

Also looking for a very dear friend Pfc. Overly. Last

known whereabouts CampPenCalif. possibly KIA in


Respectfully submitted,
SSGT. Wendt R.A.

If anyone can remember in 1975 we were sent to Laos

for?????. That is the last contact I had with

Pfc. Overly