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I heard it through the grapevine



Each year at Westlake High School, the Juniors are assigned a Vietnam veteran who died in the war. Each student has to do a research project about each person. I chose to make a film, as it is the best way for me to express the feelings and emotion of war. The movie takes the viewer through what a day in Vietnam is like for a group of soldiers. I believe the best memorial can only be understood and accepted after the war and the events are appreciated and understood. Mr. Karnehm is introduced and followed towards the end of the film. I struggled in creating something that would memorialize, while also trying to not take leaps about the way Mr. Karnehm would talk, act, be. I felt the best way to succeed while keeping this in mind, is to what I believe to be his final memories of him, and his wife, Jacquelyn Karnehm. All events leading to this montage are designed to show those who watch what it was like in the war. My hope is to bring a new and deeper understanding about the war, and the soldiers who fought in it, to everyone who watches the film. I so greatly appreciate the help I received from L CPL. James Hart, Rebecca Stucky, Emily McIntyre, Sharon Watson, and my parents.

Westlake High School's

Vietnam Memorial Project

1st Recon Battalion

As a companion research project to the book The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, students in our English III AP classes each research a person whose name appears on the Vietnam wall. Students then create a presentation honoring the individual's life and the time in which they lived.

This has been an ongoing project of the English III AP classes at Westlake for several years. To date there are over 1800 videos housed on this website honoring the servicemen and women who gave their lives in Vietnam. If you know someone whom you would like to see honored, please click the Contacts page and email one of the instructors or support staff there. We will make every effort to include them in the next year's group of honorees. The projects are started near the first of February and are online by mid-August of the same year. If you find errors, please contact the webmaster or one of the classroom teachers, and we will make every effort possible to correct those errors. Thank you for your support of our students.

Westlake High School Austin, Texas

Westlake High School's Virtual Vietnam Project

More 1st Recon Battalion Names

Coming Soon

for Charles Goldmeyer Vietnam Tribute Video

Ralph Henry Johnson