Floyd Ruggles

1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Bravo Company July 1968 through July 1969

Part 2



He was there with out you ever saying anything.
He was there whether he was called or not.
He was there night or day.
He was there with guidance or helping hand.
He was there for just moral support.
He was there when he was needed.

Sydney Australia

R&R 1969

All US military personnel serving in Vietnam during the Vietnam War were eligible for one R&R during their tour of duty (13 months for marines, 12 months for soldiers, sailors, airmen). The duration of R&R was five days leave to R&R destinations, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lampur, Penang, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo (as well as in-country at China Beach). Due to their greater distance, seven days leave was permitted for R&R destinations Hawaii and Sydney. Bangkok was reportedly most popular with single GIs, Hawaii most popular with married GIs planning to holiday with spouses.

Bravo Company


Doug Wolfe