BaNa 8-12-1969

Attack on OP Ba Na August 12, 1969, near Da Nang, Vietnam. This is from USMC Oral History Tape 4496, and was recorded on September 4, 1969.


Tom Southerland 11:31pm May 30, 2018
Thanks Joe Whitmire for posting. I was in Alpha co. and came home in May but heard Ba Na had been hit in August from a friend who was still there. Never knew the whole story till now. Thanks! SF

Joe Whitmire 10:36pm May 30, 2018
After many hours of suffering, I managed to get the USMC Oral History Tape of the attack on Ba Na, 8/12/69, posted on Youtube. I haven't played it back so I don;t know how it sounds
Ba Na

Joe Whitmire

BaNa 8-14-1969

Hotel on Ba Na after the air strikes 8/12/69.

Tuesday, August 12, 1969
RAY E HOMBEL, LCpl, Age 20, Spokane, WA

Ray Earl Hombel

Thanks for Stopping By

Send in your photos & stories of BaNa

I will post all photos & stories. 

Joe Whitmire, I'm going to send you a copy of the patrol report to post. We were callsign 'Slate Creek.'

Phil Cherry

Photos from Joe Whitmire,

(Left to Right) Mark "Willie" Williams, Ray Hombel, Al Weber, Joseph A. Woloszanski (seated).

All were on Ba Na during the attack. 

LCpl Christensen

Thanks for the Photos Joe

Thanks for the Patrol Report Joe

Joe Whitmire

Ed Wheeler

Fred "Chief" Nasecapow

Dave Jolley

Don Flynn



Call Sign 'Slate Creek

Joe Whitmire, Floyd  was I up there? Yes, me and Christensen shared a bunker on the LZ. Dave Jolley and Phil Cherry were in the other bunker.


Photos & Stories

from 1st Recon Members

The old French hotel used by

1st Recon Bn

during the Vietnam War

Jim Martin

Joe Whitmire &

Joseph A Woloszanski

Thanks for all your help with this web page!



 August 12, 1969, Romeo Relay, Ba Na, Da Nang, Vietnam

SSgt Louis Shoemaker

Pvt. Thomas

Name: Ronald LLlLL Holmes
Phone number: 865 567 3615
Subject: BaNa getting over run one night
Message: I was a patrol leader 1st Recon Delta Co. My team was on a patrol below BaNa on night we heard the fire fight going on up there, guys yelling and screaming over radio communications. We relayed the activity going on up there, as they were having hard time getting out on .comications. From what I remember there was like two teams up there half of them didn?t make it as they got overran and the other half got extracted out overnight, I think. Trying to get the story straight. I believe this was late 1969 or earlie 1970. The following week they inserted two teams up there, mine was one of them. We followed a trail down and seen nothing but a little blood here and there. Anyone out there can tell me more about it? Thanks Ron Holmes


Night MEDEVAC Crashes Into

Ba` Na` Mountain

For more Information!

Vietnam War Maps

BaNa Today!

BaNa Mountain Resort

September 26th, 2019     9:49pm

Name: Robert W Blom
Phone number: 509-638-7433
Subject: Ray Hombel
Message: Ray was my Uncle, my Mom?s brother. Thank you for posting the record of that day. My family talks of Ray all the time, but does not discuss his death out side of him passing in Vietnam. It means a lot to me to hear the events of that day. Thank you all for your service. I too am a veteran of the Army and my oldest son is in the Corp. and my youngest goes to boot camp next year

Thanks Robert,

I'll update our webpage today 9/27/2019 with your message. I am glad that this page is meaningful to you and your family and I hope it brings you some comfort.

Semper Fi, Floyd

BaNa 1968

photos from Curtis Gruetzmacher

HM3 Pete Voelker on Ba Na

photo sent in by: Nick Carey